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"Brook! Brook, are you awake?!"
It was Finnick's voice.
My eyes were groggy and I didn't wanna open them.
It felt weird to even nod so I just sat there.

I decided not to keep Finnick waiting and fluttered my eyes open. "Finnick? What...what happened?"

Finnick smiled, thankful I was alive.
"Drex poisoned you. I don't know why. Probably because you killed Rex, but he got killed afterwards so..."

I slightly smiled.
"Where's Alba? Penia?"

He left the room and came back with Penia and Alba trailing behind.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad you're okay! We thought we lost you forever!" cried Penia.
she gave me a small hug as Alba took her place.

"How are you feeling, darling? I'm so sorry this happened."
She brushed the hair out of my face.

I shrugged.
"I don't know. My head hurts. How long has it been?"

"Only seven hours." Said Finnick.

"Honey," said Alba. "I hate to push you already by your family is waiting."

My family! Mom! Clayton!

"Okay. I'll get ready."

Alba smiled and placed down an outfit on the bed. It was a light blue long sleeve shirt with a white scarf type thing and skinny jeans with brown boots.

Her and Penia both waved and left the room.

Finnick laid down next to me.

"You sure you're okay?"
He asked, wrapping an around around my waist.

"Rex was right." Was the first thing I said.


"The games are Poison. But it's not just that. I miss Monet. And Ryder." I had to smile.
"Man, he'd be happy to see us together."

Finnick teared up but smiled.
"Yeah. But don't worry. He is looking down on us right now. So is Monet."

That caused a tear to trickle down my cheek.

"Alright. I'm gonna go brush my teeth and hair. Get dressed."


I put on my outfit and brushed my teeth next to Finnick.

My voice was low. I guess the Poison screwed It up. I tried to yell but that didn't work.

"Alba!" I tried.

Finnick looked at me worriedly and opened the door.
"Alba!" He shouted. "Brook needs you!"

Alba came rushing in and before I had to say anything, she pulled my hair up in a braided ponytail.

"You know me so well." I said.

"Don't talk much. Your voice needs to rest for the interview."

I nodded. She left the room.
Finnick took off his recent shirt and put on a fresh new one.

Abs! I thought, laughing to myself.

"What's so funny?"

"Your hair!" I said quickly.

"Well fix it!" He chuckled.

I acted like his hair was messed up and brushed it to the right.
"There. Perfect." I winked.

I wanted to cry. My voice. What was I going to do?

What happens if I talk?
I motioned to Finnick. He sighed.

"You can lose your voice forever."

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