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Training ended around 12:00 pm since we woke up at 9 and Penia sat us down on the couch.
Mags, Finnick, me, Bowie. I still called him morphling.

I had Mags switch with Finnick because we got into another argument. I guess when Cashmere started flirting with him I got jealous and started to flirt with Peeta and he's never liked Peeta and he got really mad.

"Alright. Brook, any choices of allies other than Mags and Finnick?" Penia asked.

I rolled my eyes.
"Ugh. Why does Finnick have to be an ally?"

"That's not what you said when you first heard the Quell announcement. Remember?"
He looked at me.

"You'll always be right by my side, right?"
He quoted my words in a mimicking voice.

"Of coarse. I'll never leave."
I mocked back.

He crossed his arms and looked away.

"Guys, come on!" Penia shouted.

"Fine. Katniss and Peeta."
I said.

Finnick rolled his eyes.
"Great. We got the girl on fire and the bakers boy." He said.

I looked at him in disbelief.
"What is your problem?!"
I shouted.

"Here we go." Finnick mumbled.

"Oh no. You are not going t-."

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Penia yelled.
"Why did y'all go from the cutest couple for six years and now y'all just won't stop fighting! I've had enough! Y'all are going to be allies whether y'all like it or not! Alba, come get them ready!"

Alba rushed in the room and took me and Finnick away.

"I'll get y'all ready when y'all talk this out!" Alba said, angrily, shoving us into my room and shutting the door.

"I'm sorry. I never should've let Cashmere flirt with me."
Finnick said.

"It's alright. I never should've got jealous and flirted with Peeta."

He shrugged. "Oh, so you were jealous?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I laughed. "Whatever. Lets go before Alba and Penia get mad."

We hugged and left the room.

"We're good." We both said.

Penia sighed in relief.
"That was quick. Sorry about yelling at y'all earlier."

I shook my head.
"Naw, it's alright."

"Yeah, we were being ridiculous," said Finnick.

Alba laid down a dress on my bed and a matching outfit for Bowie.

I slipped it on and she curled my hair and the prep team did my makeup and nails.

I had black eyeliner and grey jewels on my temple.

As I walked out the door, Bowie stood in the kitchen looking identical to me.

Finnick was stunning.
He had no shirt on, showing his golden chest with a rope type skirt thing that covered his groin so he couldn't really be called naked. The more skin exposed on Finnick, the better for the audience. He also wore a seashell necklace that was light bronze, but a coral color.

Mags wore a shirt that matched his necklace and an identical roped skirt.

I nodded at Finnick as a greeting and left.

Bowie and I followed Alba to the horses that would be pulling us.

Finnick walked over.
"I'm gonna go talk to Katniss. Get in her head. I'm not gonna. Flirt, don't worry. You know I cant stand her." He winked and walked away.

I smiled to myself and looked at he gorgeous horses.

After a few minutes, Caesar Flickerman showed on a screen with President Snow.

It was time for the showings.

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