Missing Part 2

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(My bold/italic is screwed up rn)
•Brook's POV•
I closed my eyes tightly as I fell down the hill. Before I knew it, I had hit my head and blacked out.

A few hours later, I woke up and Katniss and Peeta were by my side, also blacked out. I shook them awake and pointed at the water in front of us.

We crawled our way to it and soaked in it, removing the hives.

"Hey," Peeta said. "Where's Finnick?"

I shot my head up and realized Peeta was right. Finnick was gone.

"What the hell?" I asked.
"Where did he go? He, he was just with us."

"Yeah. It doesn't sound like him to just to leave." Peeta said.

"Forcefield." I whispered.

Peeta and Katniss looked confused.

"There was a forcefield. The only possibility is that he was farther away and hit it to where he got thrown farther."

Peeta nodded. "She's right. I've seen that happen in one of the previous games."

Katniss rolled her eyes.
"Can we just get going? Who needs Finnick?"

Oh man, Finnick was right. I do not like this girl.

I took a deep breath.
"What in the hell do you have against him? You realize Peeta would be dead if it wasn't for him, right?"

Katniss was silent for a second.

(Monkey incident didn't happen)

We walked to the shore and suddenly Katniss shot her head up.

"Someone's here." She said.

I turned to look and it was Johanna and Nuts and Volts.

"Johanna..." I muttered.

She turned to look at me.

I headed her way and the star crossed lovers followed.

"What happened?" I asked.
She was covered in blood

"Something that looked like a tsunami. Thought it was water. It turned out to be blood. We were choking and gagging on it blind. Blight wasn't too far than he was from home."

I nodded. "Well...that sucks."

"Where's Finnick?" She asked.

I looked down, worried. "Disappeared."

"He disappeared?"

I shrugged. "Got thrown by a forcefield. We couldn't see cause...well, we were already blacked out."

"What happened?" Johanna asked.

"Poisonous fog." Katniss said.

I looked down. "Mags died. Anyway, we were running covered in hives from the poison and suddenly we all stumbled down a hill. Katniss and I were helping Peeta cause he was pretty bad off and finnick was trying to keep up but when he reached the hill I guess he hit a forcefield and got thrown far off. Katniss, Peeta, and I got thrown into bushes so be probably couldn't have seen us if he came our way. After we woke up, I saw the forcefield and it was a big one so he probably got thrown about 10 feet. Not as bad as Peeta, though. I don't know where he-."

"Finnick! Finnick, help!"
I turned to the voice.
Who would be calling for him other than...me.


"Brook?...isn't that your voice?"
Johanna asked confused.

I turned to face her with a terrified look and she caught my gaze as we both said "Jabberjays."

Johanna, Peeta, and I started to follow the voice as Katniss stayed to wash up Nuts (Wirus).

She was shocked from the blood storm. All she could say now was 'tick tock.'

We then heard another voice.
"Brook! Brooklynn!"

Finnick thought I was hurt.
This may be an act, though.
I couldn't forgive him just yet.
But I had to find him before the birds start to attack him.

"Finnick!" I screamed.
"Finnick! They're Jabberjays!"

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