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I woke up the next morning and was surprised to see Finnick there.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"I was sleeping." He said with a cocky humor. "But not anymore!"

He rubbed his eyes and pulled the pillows over his head.

"You know what I mean." I said, placing my hands on my hips.

He removed the pillow from his face and sighed.

"You had another nightmare. I keep on getting worried you're going to get to the part where I kill you so I came in here."

I smiled but forced it away.

"What?" He asked.

"I can't let you do this to me again, Finnick."

He was confused. "Do what!?"

"Trick me! I tell you we're over. I give you the ring. But no, you still come back saying you love me and sleeping in my bed and all this crap." I said calmly.

He closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I can't forgive you for what you did." I said.

"I told you it was only an act f-"

"I know. 'It was only an act for a little while.' That doesn't matter. What matters is that it was still an act. When you said you loved me the first time you saw me. That was an act. Because the first time you saw me, you were plotting to kill me."

He ran his fingers through his hair.
"So we're officially done? We're over?" His voice cracked. Was Finnick Odair crying?

I sighed and closed my eyes.

He shook his head. "Wow. Okay."
He looked at me then looked at the ring on his finger and walked out the door.

I walked to the door and slowly and quietly shut it. I slid down the door and started to bawl.
It's official. I lost Finnick.

•Finnick's POV•
As Brook closed the door behind me, I slid down it and started to cry silently. You could The the tears but you couldn't hear the cry. I lost her.

Alba walked out of her room and saw me crying.

"Finnick? Are you ok?" She whispered.

I shook my head.

"Another fight?" She asked.

I shook my head again.
"It's officially over." I dug my hands into my face.

Alba looked at me in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, Finnick. Man, I was hoping y'all were going to get married."

I shrugged, "it doesn't matter now."

"I truly am sorry but what you did was wrong.."

I stopped her mid-sentence.
"I know! I know it was wrong! If I could take it back I definitely would."

Alba nodded in understanding.
"I'm gonna make a sandwich. Want one?"

I shook my head. "No thanks."

After a while, I decided to get up and go to my room. As soon as I did, I got interrupted by Penia.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up! We-. Oh you're already awake. Well, go get ready. Training starts soon."

I groaned, rubbing my eyes and walked to my closet.

I brushed my teeth, got on my outfit, and walked to the kitchen, grabbing an apple.

"Good morning, Finnick."
Penia said even though she's already greeted me this morning.

I gave her a look.

"Why do you look so rough? Fix that hair, boy."

She started to lick her finger and slick my hair to the side. I swatted her hand away.

"Ookay. Someone's in a grumpy mood."

I laid my head on the kitchen table and stayed like that in silence.

"Brook broke up with him."
Alba whispered.

"Oh no, she did not!"
Whisper-shouted Penia.

I kept my head down and took a bite from the apple.

~after training~
Training was finally over. I couldn't deal with the silence.
Bowie's always quiet, Mags can't really speak, and Brook didn't speak to me.

I laid on my bed and hoped for some rest but as soon as I laid my head on my pillow, I got interrupted by Alba.

"Sorry, Finnick. But interviews aren't too long from now. We gotta get you ready."

"Ugh. Fine." I walked to Alba and she gave me my outfit.

It was a light light bronze color shirt that had a pattern going. It was really comfortable.
I also wore these black colored pants that said 'ocean' all over them. And then the necklace I wore the day before.

Brook walked out of her room and she was stunning. The world revolves around her. Or so it felt like.

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