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I started to freak out. I really shot her. I felt someone grab the bow and arrows behind me but didn't care.

Brook was hurt. Because of me.

A tear fell down her cheek.
"What'd I tell ya? You tried to change my mind, but now I know that you are trying to kill me."

I shook my head uncontrollably.
"Brooky, i-I didn't know who you were. I just saw a leg and shot it. Honestly, I'm so sorry."

Brook stood there for a while and realized I was telling the truth.
"Ok. I believe you."

She winced as she pulled the arrow out of her leg.

I turned around to see Katniss pull an arrow at me. I showed her my golden bracelet and smirked.

"Good thing we're allies right?"

"Where'd you get that?" She asked.

The guy from District 8 was behind her.

"Where do you think? Duck."

She fell to the ground as I threw the trident into the guys chest.

I walked over to him and pulled it out.

"I feel terrible. Brooklynn, can you walk?"

She nodded. "Yeah, it's not too bad."

I smiled. "Let's hope Penia gets you medicine."

She shrugged.

I faced Katniss. "Don't trust one and two. I'll go find Peeta."

I walked around the corner of the Cornucopia with Brook trailing behind then ran back to Katniss.

"Mags found 'em, he's over here!"

Katniss followed us as Peeta fought some guy in the water. They were punching each other and Peeta tried to climb a platform but got pulled under.

Katniss has her bow ready and I dove into the water to help.
Both guys were under for a while and a cannon fired.

Katniss' eyes got huge but soon showed relief when Peeta's head appeared above the water.

I helped him up and we all headed to land.

I sat Brooklynn down and looked her in the eyes.

"I really am sorry." I said, grabbing her hand.

She pulled away. "I said it's fine."

She hid Clayton's necklace under her collar and wore my watch. It was like she was made to be in District 4.

We started to walk further into the jungle. I had Mags on my back, Katniss was walking behind Peeta, and Brook was limping beside me. Peeta held out a sword and was cutting anything in his way.

Out of no where, Katniss screamed
"Peeta, no!" And he went flying back into me, causing me to fall with Mags and Brook.

I sat up and saw that Peeta wasn't breathing. He hit a forcefield. Katniss started to freak out.

"He's not breathing, he's not breathing!"

I pushed her out of the way and started doing CPR on Peeta. I'd pump his chest three times and give him mouth to mouth. Even though it was gross and disturbing, I had to save him.

Katniss pulled an arrow at me, probably thinking I was trying to kill him and Brook stopped her.

"Katniss, no! He's saving him."

Katniss put the arrow down and looked at me in disbelief.

Before I knew it, Peeta was alive again.

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