the truth

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i walked home in the dark and when i got home, mom, Clayton, and Alta we're sitting on the couch.

"we're getting married!"
Clayton announced.

i tried to smile but i couldn't.

"i'm so sorry, brooky." said Clayton.

he walked up to me and gave me a hug joined in by Alta and my mom.

"can i talk to Brook alone?"
asked Alta.

we all nodded.

we walked into my room and sat on the bed.

"what's really bothering you?"
she asked.

"multiple things." i sighed.
"going back into the arena. facing the fact that either finnick or i is going to die. the fact that finnick took a minute and a half to say i love you back."

"there's something i have to tell you about him." she said quickly.

i sat there waiting.

"finnick lied. he's not who you think he is. the year after he won, he united with President Snow. Snow watches you hunt. they agreed to put your name in there. only your name. 1,000 slips with your name. finnick agreed to becoming your mentor, "falling in love with you", and helping you win the games. they then agreed on the envelope for the Quarter Quell. Finnick knew that the tributes were going to be reaped by the pool of victors. he told Snow he'd kill you in the Quell."

by now i was bawling.
"how do you know this?"

"i over heard them talking years and years ago. nine years to be exact. didn't you see the way he was acting when you brought up the Quarter Quell? why he wouldn't say i love you? why he took a minute and a half? i should've told you earlier but i didn't want to hurt you. he lied, Brook. i'm sorry."

I was crying so hard.

"They all know, don't they?" I asked.

"If you mean Kenny and Clayton, yes. Penia and Alba don't know."

I hugged her. I had to hug someone.

When we came out, mom and Clayton knew.

"Did you tell her?" Asked Clayton.

Alta nodded.

"Brook, we love you. Forget about him. You can kill him. He betrayed you." Clayton said.

I nodded. "You're right."
I said, tearfully.

I wasn't going to talk to Finnick tomorrow. I wasn't going to talk to him in the Quell.

I was going to kill him.
I had to.
For his own sake.

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