More Time

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•Finnick's POV•
"Brook! Brooklynn, where are you?!" I screamed, running through the trees.

"Finnick! Help!" She called back.

I stopped right in my tracks when a cannon fired and the screaming stopped. No. No no no no.

I buried my hands into my face when someone said my name.
The voice was the same but calmer.


I spun around and she stood there, beat up from the fall.

Peeta and Johanna were with her,
I couldn't help but run into Brooklynn's arms. I stroked her hair.

I wanted to kiss her but I could tell by the look in her eyes, she still didn't forgive me.

"I'm okay." She whispered.

I pulled back and sighed with relief.

"Hey, Johanna. Peeta,"

"Hello Finnick." Johanna said.

Peeta nodded. "Finnick. Let's go back to the others."

"Others?" I asked.

"Katniss, Nuts, and Volts." Brook and Johanna said at the same time, continued by laughter.

We appeared at the shore in about ten minutes and saw the others.

Volts, or Beetee, was wrapping wire and Nuts, or Wiress, was getting her hair washed out by Katniss.

"Why is she washing her hair?"
I asked.

"Tsunami. Thought it was water,"
Johanna began as her and Brook finished the sentence. "Turned out to be blood."

"I see you found ocean boy."
Katniss said, annoyingly.


I smirked. "Naw, it's just her hormones. From the baby."

She gave me a glare.

"Any luck of food?" Brook asked.

Beetee held up his wire.
"Caught 6 fish. The wire electrocuted them."

He handed each of us one a fish and we had to eat it raw. It wasn't worth the fire.

We were already dehydrated and needed water. That's when a parachute fell from the sky.

I opened it and read aloud.
"Drink up. -P."

I pulled out a spile and soon water came out.

We all drank from it.

"I'll take watch tonight." Beetee said.

We all agreed. Wiress sat next to Beetee. Johanna slept with her ax held tightly in her hand, Katniss curled up next to Peeta, and Brook slept beside me. We weren't touching this time. I sighed.

She still needed time.

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