TIME SKIP: Special Day

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~few months later (Brook's bday)

•finnick's POV•
it was brooklynn's birthday. she was turning eighteen. finally. i'd always been a few months older so she'd be seventeen and i was eighteen but now we'll both be eighteen.

i woke up early. i was sleeping in their guest room. Alta came over around six o'clock in the morning. everyone was up except brook.

everyone as in me, Alta, Clayton, Penia, Alba, and Kenny, Brook's mom.

"alright, what's the plan?"
alba asked.

"i'm gonna get a cake. alba, you make her a wonderful designed outfit that she'll love to wear for her next interview. Alta, get her a..."

"how about a shell necklace?"

"yes! she'll love that! penia, you know those gold bracelets Brook has always admired?"

Penia nodded.

"give er one. now clayton and kenny, y'all are her family so get her whatever."

"i was thinking the latest model of a bow and arrow." her mom said.

"since we're kinda rich." she added, causing everyone to laugh.


i was thinking a set of pins. ya know, that collection we saw in the store and she was really wanting it?" clayton asked.

"yea, that'll be great." i added.

"and what're you getting her, Finnick?" Alta asked, gripping into Clayton's hand. (they were dating)

"one of those golden watches. like the kind Heavensbee had. the one that you flicked open and a hologram would appear?"

everyone loved the idea.

"and what's the hologram gonna be?"

"a trident."

everyone oohed and ahhed.

"let's go grab our presents...now!"
everyone raced out the door.


i was the first one to arrive back home. i had a cake that was tree layers, white frosting with light blue icing, in a pattern that looked like waves.

brook acted like she was from District 4. she loved the sea. she loved the water. the smell. she loved fishing and tridents.

the cake had an "18" at the top in the middle and a circle of tridents surrounding it.

on the first layer it said "happy."

second layer, "birthday."

third layer, "brook."

she was gonna love it.

~everyone arrives~

i hung up balloons and Kenny hung a banner.

clayton decorates the tables and kitchen with a sea looking tone.

soon, everyone hid behind the couch and Brook walked out.
her long brown wavy hair, was pulled in a lazy bun and she was wearing a white t-shirt that had a shark on it and red and black plaid pajama shorts.

clayton looked at me smiling, his blue eyes glowing. he had hair like Brook's. brown. it was slicked to the side.

alta had straight dirty blond hair that she usually kept in a ponytail.

she yawned. "guys?"

"surprise!" everyone shouted.

"happy birthday!" we all added.

she jumped at first then smiled.

i walked up and gave her a hug.
"happy birthday, sweetheart."

she kissed my cheek.
"thank you."

her mom wrapped her in a hug.
"darling, i can't believe you're eighteen. happy birthday!" she said, brightly.

brook smiled.

"well...only one year away, huh?"
clayton asked, spinning her around.

alba and penia both wrapped her in a group hug.

"you've always been our favorite!"
they said in sync.

Alta did the same as the others. saying happy birthday, giving her a hug.

we all gathered around the table and ate supper containing all seafood that got transported from my district.

after that, we sang happy birthday, she made a 'secret' wish and blew out the candles and we ate the cake.

afterwards, we opened presents.
she would open Alba's first, then Penia's, then Alta's, her mom's, Clayton's, then mine.

"Alba! this dress is gorgeous! thank you so much, i love it!!"
she gave Alba a huge hug.

"now mine!" said a preppy Penia heading Brook her gift.

"ahh! thank you! you know i've always wanted one of your bracelets!" she smiled and gave Penia a hug.

next, Alta handed Brook a case.
brook looked at her, smiling and slowly opened the case.
she revealed a golden chained necklace with a light blue anchor, a light orange sea star, and a light coralish pink shell.

"oh, Alta, it's beautiful! thank you so much." she said, happily. she gave her a hug, too.

we all looked at Kenny and she shook her head. "clayton first."

clayton shrugged and handed brook the collection of pins.

"yes! i've been wanting these! it has all ten!"

it contained pins like:
a shell
an anchor
a trident
a sea star
a fish
a shark
a dolphin
a mockingjay
a bow and arrow
and a moon, like the pin on the necklace he gave her.
he got them customized for her.

"thank you." she smiled, hugging him tightly.

"now moms!" she squealed.

kenny handed her the large box with light blue wrapping paper.

brook happily unwrapped it and revealed a brand new, camo bow and arrow. she gasped and her mouth hung open.
she couldn't keep in her scream.

"ahhh! the brand new model?! thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"you're welcome, sweetheart."
kenny said, receiving Brook's hugs and kissing her forehead.

"good thing you won those games."
she said, causing everyone to laugh.

"now mine." i mumbled.

i handed her the little box.
she stared at it for a while, i guess to try and guess what it was.

she finally opened the maroon box and peeked inside.
she slowly brought out the golden watch.

"finnick..." she muttered.

she looked at the beautiful gleaming gold and the shimmering diamonds it revealed. she flicked it open and up and out appeared a floating trident.

"oh my gosh, you did not!" she gasped.

i wrapped it around her rosy, securing the buckle and she looked into my sea green eyes as i looked into her sky blue/green eyes.

"thank you." she kissed me.

"thank y'all so much. i do not deserve this, but...just...thank you." brook teared up.

we've been dating for...well, we've been dating for six months. we've liked each other for three years.

there's one problem...
i still haven't said those three words...

i still haven't said i love you.

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