Want a Sugar Cube?

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•Brook's POV•
I sat on the couch silently.
Next thing I know, I'm in the arena again. I look around and see everyone, including Finnick, standing on their platform.

Finnick was staring at me.
Not an admiring stare.
A stare that wanted me killed.

As soon as the gong went off, it was a bloodbath. I was getting tackled. By Finnick. He held the trident to my throat. I screamed.
I screamed a long and loud scream

"Brook!" It was Finnick's voice.
I shot my eyes open in tears.
It was just a dream. Another nightmare.

"Are you okay?" He sat on the edge of the bed and hugged me.

"Um, yea. Just a bad dream."
I mumbled.

"About what?" He asked.

I shook my head.
"Just...the games."

He knew I wasn't telling the complete truth but didn't push me.

"It's ok." He pulled the hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.
I've missed that.

"Goodnight." He said, standing up and turning around.  I couldn't stop myself from the what I said next.

"Finnick!" He turned around abruptly.

"Yea?" Finnick Asked.

"Can...can you stay?"

"Yea. Of coarse." He walked back towards the bed and got in. He pulled me close to his chest as I could feel his heart pumping. He was warm.

He intertwined our fingers and even though I couldn't forget about that pact he made with President Snow, I let him.

"I love you, Brooky." He whispered into my ear.

"I love you too, Finnick." I said, barely audible before I fell into a deep sleep.

***next morning***
The next morning I woke up.
I wondered why it was so warm then I realized Finnick was still lying beside me.

He was awake.
"How long have you been up?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Half hour maybe? No more nightmares? You seemed fine."

He was right. I didn't have anymore nightmares.

"No. That's unusual. Usually every time I wake up, I have the same dream..."

He looked at me. His hair was a mess and his sea green eyes locked with mine. "What was your dream really about?"

"I told you. The Games." I replied.

"It's not just the Games. Something else had to happen to cause you to scream like that. Was it Ryder or Monet?"

I shook my head. "It was you..."
I whispered. "You tried to kill me. Every time your trident reaches my throat, I wake up screaming."

He looked at me in disbelief.
"I know it's hard. Because I promised Snow I'd get you killed. But I am not going to kill you."

I chuckled. "Hopefully."

He laughed. "Come on. We got to train."


"Yea. After the thing tonight, we're taking our training test type thing."

I nodded. "Alright, lets go."

We got dressed and by the time we were ready, we were arriving at the Training Center. Finnick, Mags, Bowie, and I got out. Finnick and I weren't awkward anymore, but still not a couple.

As we walked into the building, all the other tributes looked at us and smirked.

Johanna Mason, girl from District 6, one of my personal friends, was swinging around an Ax.

Cashmere, girl from District 1, hissed at me, showing me her fangs.

Katniss was with Nuts and Volts, or that's what Johanna and I call them. Their real names are Beetee and Wirus.

Peeta was painting his hand camouflage to match a tree as Bowie ran to join him.

"Imma go check out the knot station. Want a sugar cube?" Finnick said, handing me a sugar cube.

I accepted it.
"What is up with you and sugar?" He shrugged and ran off.

Mags walked to a station to where she would make a fish hook.

I looked around and found what I was best at.

Killing dummies.

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