Enjoying the View?

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Caesar Flickerman went on and on about the cause in this interview but I didn't pay no attention.
I was watching Finnick and Katniss.

He started off by offering her a sugar cube.

"Katniss!" He said.

She turned around. "Hello Finnick."

"Want a sugar cube? I mean, they're suppose to be for the horses but who cares about them right? They've got years to eat sugar whereas you and I...well, if we see somethin' sweet, we better grab it." Man, he knew how to get in a girls head.

She declined it.

They went on to talk about the Quell.

"It sucks about this Quell thing. You could win all this money and jewels."

She stopped him mid-sentence.
"Well, I've got all the money I need and don't find any interest in jewels. What about you?"
She asked, annoyingly. I could tell she didn't like him either.

"I haven't delt with anything as common as money in years."

"Then how do they pay for the pleasure of your company?" Katniss asked.

Finnick leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "with secrets."

He winked at me, knowing i heard him.

He turned to the other side to see Peeta and her stylist, Cinna.

"I'm sorry you had to cancel your wedding." Finnick said, sarcastically.
"I know how devastating that must be for you." He smiled and popped a sugar cube in his mouth.
"Have a good day."

He began to walk my way and greeted Peeta.
Peeta nodded. "Finnick." He said back.

Finnick stopped in front of me.
"Hope you enjoyed the view. I'm gonna go find Mags. See you in an hour."

He grabbed my hand and quickly let it go, walking away.

"Alright, folks! Tributes, I hope y'all are on talks horses! Here they come!" Caesar announced.

District one to three came out and the audience grew loud when Finnick came out.

"Ah!" Said Caesar.
"My personal favorite male victor, Finnick Odair!"

"Finnick! Finnick! Finnick!"
The audience cheered.

He didn't wave or smile.
Neither did Mags.
They had to look bad.
Like Bowie and I had to, also.

District 5 came along and before I knew it, Bowie and I were standing in a carriage, pulled by horses, surrounded by a cheering crowd.

"And yes!" Cheered Caesar.
"My personal favorite female victor! Brooklynn Westbay!"

I wondered how Bowie felt.
Since none of the crowd cheered for him. All you could hear was clapping and "Brooklynn! Brooklynn! Brooklynn!"

Before I knew it, Katniss and Peeta we're coming out looking sharp as ever in their coal mining outfits. Mid-way into the crowd, Katniss clicked a button which caused their outfits to catch fire.

Of coarse.
The girl on fire.

The interviews went by faster than imagined. Nothing really happened. All we did was say or thoughts about the Quell and winning our former Games years ago.

After a while, we took our Training tests, then got the score that night.

I sat on the couch and took a deep breath as my name got announced.

"Brooklynn Westbay, my favorite, with a score of...a perfect 12!"

I sat there shocked as everyone congratulated me.

Bowie got a nine and Finnick an eleven.

After a while, Penia walked me tk my room.

"Tomorrow will be a much better interview." Said Penia.
"Since it's your last before the Quell."

I took a shower and Alba blow dried my hair.

"Brook?" She asked for my attention.


"Do you still love Finnick?"
She asked.

I sighed. "Of coarse I do."

She helped me into bed and I fell asleep.

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