t h i r t y t h r e e

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Camila scanned the hallway for a certain pair of silver blue eyes, waltzing around as she maneuvered through the students surrounding her. She walked briskly to the cafeteria but stopped on her steps when she passed by the music room, her eyes catching a distinct figure inside. It was Y/N, lying flat on her back on the floor, the chairs beside her almost hiding her but she was still noticeable. Camila sighed as she caught her breath, quietly pushing the door open.


She had her eyes closed, her forearm blocking her eyes from the dim light of the room.

She looks like a fallen angel, Camila thought. A fallen angel who's just too tired to fight the odds being against her.

"If your last name is Jauregui or you're a close friend, I'm not really up to talking or seeing you," Y/N said direly. "Actually, it's not important who you are. Get lost and lock the door on your way out. I'm not sure if I should thank you but good bye."

"For someone who isn't on the mood to talk, you talk too much," Camila said, smirking to herself. "Quit sulking, Y/N. It's just not your thing."

Y/N didn't say anything, adjusting her position on the floor. Her back was starting to hurt but she wasn't in the mood to care about it either.

The Cuban sat cross-legged near Y/N, her knee merely brushing the billionaire's hair. "Lauren wasn't exactly excited about what happened."

"You have no idea what I'm doing here, do you?"

"You're here because you want to avoid all of us, your own friends, when we could be the ones helping you through this."

"No," Y/N said, abruptly sitting up and meeting Camila's eyes with her bloodshot ones. "Why do you think is the reason why I'm sulking?"

Camila's brown eyes were wide when she saw how swollen Y/N's eyes were and how tired they looked. "Because of what happened with Blake—what he said about you. Y/N, you know that's not true—"

"How are you going to feel when you figured out that your own family's hiding a very important secret from you and they're acting like they haven't done anything wrong?" Y/N said, almost screaming as the veins on her neck surfaced on her smooth skin. "How are you going to feel when you just figured out that your family killed someone because they felt threatened for no reason?"

Camila couldn't speak all of a sudden, as if her breath stopped passing her lungs and her own voice was taken from her.

Y/N laughed dully. "Why am I even telling you this?" She stood up as she slid her hands in her pockets, moving to leave Camila on her own.

"I came here to say sorry," Camila finally said the sole reason why she came looking for Y/N. "In behalf of what Blake did. He wouldn't have known if it wasn't for me."

Y/N stopped on her tracks but she didn't look back, just shrugged and continued walking. "Yeah. It's my fault that I trusted too much."

She left Camila wondering and pitying her, both things she hated others to do. She scratched on her head, annoyed that someone had ruined her moment in the music room when it was the only place she could be alone. Or not.

Y/N hurried to the fourth floor of the school just below the rooftop, using the pathway she used to take when Walnut Hills wasn't as advanced as it was. She reached the deserted hallways of the school, telling her that she was close to her destination. It had been years since she'd been last here but everything still felt familiar. Finally turning the last corner, she reached the old library of the school. The wooden double doors creaked as Y/N pushed it open, the hinges rusty from age. Instantly, Y/N caught a whiff of the smell of old pages, the sight of the dust and ruined desks, chairs lying all over the place, and untouched books missing from their designated shelves.

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