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Lauren was indecisive and at most times when making decisions, she was letting her gut do the work for her. So, when she woke up on a bed that was a stranger to her, naked under a white soft blanket, and a room she hadn't seen before, she didn't know what to do because either her gut had no idea where in the hell she was.

Then, it hit her like a truck—like how the protagonist got hit in a certain book she'd read before—and the events from last night came to her all out once.

She had sex with the goddess Y/N Ryford herself, and it was beyond mind-blowing.

Lauren could remember the way she clutched on Y/N almost to the point that she was tearing her skin apart, screaming her name over and over again as the pleasure was provided to her deliciously. She remembered how Y/N was gentle—but not entirely soft—with her and it made a silly tingle in her stomach just thinking about it. She remembered how tender Y/N's kisses were, touching every inch of her skin passionately, burning her with desire and making her feel that nothing else that mattered in the world but her and just her. The image of Y/N's dilated pupils and darkened eyes flashed through Lauren's mind, making her shiver at how much lust and adoration they held behind them. She couldn't believe that she lost her virginity to someone else instead of her boyfriend. No, she didn't lose it. She gave it to her and she can remember it all too well. She wondered why she wasn't feeling much of a guilt. And no, Y/N wasn't just someone else. Y/N was Lauren's childhood crush, first kiss, and the first person who showed her the rawness of someone's soul. Lauren admired Y/N so much in many ways more than one and she was afraid that because of what happened last night, everything would be more intense with her.

Lauren was afraid that she would be willing to fall for Y/N when she was still in a relationship. She cheated on Rick but last night didn't feel wrong. It was . . . right somehow and she thought maybe she'd feel the guilt later on. Also, Lauren was afraid that if she could give Y/N the most valuable piece of her being, she would be willing to give her everything she wanted from her and she didn't like that. Not when doesn't know everything about Y/N yet and she wasn't sure if she could trust her.

What would even happen when she walks out that door? Would it still be the same? Would Y/N ignore her? Would she let Rick know? And it hit Lauren. Maybe Y/N did it with her because she wanted revenge for Rick and it angered Lauren for a moment but isn't that the same thing she wanted? To hurt Rick more than he did to her? It was all confusing. Her feelings were confusing her and before she could open another question to herself, she heard her phone ring. With a throbbing head, she searched for her phone and found it with the mess of her swimsuit from last night on the floor. Camila was calling her—shit. School.


"Where the hell are you?"

"Um, I don't know . . . "

"We couldn't find you last night and we had to leave. You're lucky your dad never comes home or else he would've called the police. Are you okay?"

She looked down at herself, imagining how much of a mess her hair was and how much hickey Y/N put on her. Jesus, she'd be spending all day concealing them. "Yeah, I—um—I'm okay. I just—uh—I have a headache but I'm okay. Are you at school already?"

"On my way there. I missed first period because I was fucking drunk but I'm okay now. Just a little hangover. Are you coming to school?"

"I think I'm still at Poseidon."

"What?! But we can't even find you there and we've looked for the entire yacht that's literally the size of a fucking cruise ship."

"I gotta go. I still have to go home and get some clothes."

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