T h r e e

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The ache Josh felt due to wanting to comfort Tyler, but physically not being able to was outrageous.

It destroyed him mentally and physically. All he wanted to do was reach over and pull Tyler close, but he simply couldn't. That would probably also terrify Tyler, since, you know, Tyler doesn't know about him.

Josh sits upright on the bed, feeling weight shift off the bed. He glances sideways, to look at Tyler.

Tyler looks adorable. Even though he has tear stained cheeks, Josh thinks he's absolutely beautiful and too cute for this world. His hair is ruffled up, due to him just waking up, but it still looks cute. His cheeks are slightly tinted pink. His hoodie hangs loosely on him, since it's oversized; just the way Tyler likes them.

Josh scoots across the bed to get off. It's weird; he can't touch anything or anyone, yet he can lay on the bed and walk? Oh well, thanks anyway, God.

Josh curiously watches Tyler. He watched as he grabs some underwear, a mustard colored hoodie and black skinny jeans. He slowly walks to his bathroom. The sound of shower water rushing furiously answers to any other questions Josh had about what he was going to do in there.

Josh frowns, thinking about when he was living. When he could shower, sleep, dream, talk to his family. He can sleep, but it's only when he forces himself to. He misses the feeling of being tired. He misses his family, so much. He ponders on that aspect of his death. Are they okay? Are they coping? What about Laura, is she depressed? Josh hopes not, he hoped everyone is well and that they understood and moved on.

The shower water abruptly cutting off takes Josh out of thought. Tyler comes out in the clothes he took in with him, brown hair slightly damp, and a frown on his face.

Why are you sad, Ty? Josh wonders. He wishes desperately that someone will come and help him with this. Tell him how everything works. Seeing as to what the path director said, Josh assumes that's not how it works.

Out of nowhere, Tyler speaks up, shocking Josh.

"Blurry, is that you? Have you come to play innocent and pretend you care for me, but you're really just trying to get me weak, so you can hurt me more?"

Josh stares at Tyler in utter shock and confusion. Josh shoots up immediately.
"What? No! Who's Blurry? Tyler, it's me, Josh, can you hear me? Please, say something!" Josh exclaims. Tyler shakes his head, "I was correct, wasn't I? That's why you're quiet." Josh sighs in disappointment.

Josh follows Tyler out of his room and downstairs into the living room. Tyler plops himself on the couch, so Josh does the same. Tyler flicks the TV on and it's on the news. Tyler focuses on the TV; as does Josh.

"Are they going to talk about the Dun family again?" Zack asks when he walks in. Tyler gives him a look of confusion, "The Dun family?" A look of shock grazes across Zack's face, but he replaces it with a normal look.
"The Dun family. One kid gets kidnapped and is still not found, and now two weeks ago one of their kids died in a car crash. They've been through so much, I can't imagine if that happened to us."

Josh frowns, listening to Zack speak about them. He really needs to plan something and look for Abigail, but he can't speak to anyone nor can he touch.

Tyler's eyes are widened and he has a frown on his face, "Oh, wow. I feel so bad for them. That poor family." Zack nods his head and sits down. Fortunately, he did not sit on Josh.

Josh frowns and focuses back on the TV. He plans on saving Abigail, he just doesn't know how. Yes, it's possible she's dead, but Josh doesn't believe that. He feels she's still alive. He feels someone took her just to torture her; keep her as a slave, or brutally torture her for the rest of her life.

Tyler turns up the volume to the TV, as commercials have gone off and the News is coming back on. A News lady appears on the screen, mic in hand. It doesn't shock any of them as she starts talking exactly about what Zack said they would; the Dun family.

Josh's heart breaks as it cuts to them speaking to his family in person. He notices every detail. Laura has tear stained cheeks and bags under her eyes, Bill looks like he's hiding his emotions, Jordan and Ashley look depressed and exhausted. Every twinkle they had in their eyes is nowhere to be found.

It ends with a most recent picture of Josh, and everyone saying they send prayers to the Dun family.

Tyler let's out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding in.
"Dear Lord, that poor family. I hope they turn out okay, I wish them the best." Zack nods in agreement. The room's quiet after that.

That is until Tyler speaks up again.
"It's sad. He was cute and looked like a nice guy. He looked smart, too." Zack stares at Tyler with wide eyes, then shakes his head.
"Tyler, he's dead. Don't be getting a crush on someone who doesn't exist anymore. Also, your homo is showing." Tyler's eyes widen, face heating up and turning beat red.
"S-shut up. I know that! I was just saying he was cute and that it would've been nice to know him. I wasn't gushing over him, just simply complimenting. Thinking about the  good he had before he died."
"You didn't know him, though. How would you know any of that?"
"He just seems like it okay, he looks that way."

Zack laughs harder and exits the room. Tyler is still flush red and anxious. He does wish he could've met this guy. He looks like a cool guy. One thing he doesn't look, though, is Tyler's type. Josh looks very punk-rock, while Tyler usually dates casual guys. He barely even dates people anyway, due to depression and anxiety.

Tyler exits his thoughts to go back upstairs to his room. It's Sunday, and he has Math homework that he has to finish. It would have been due today, it being Monday, but luckily, they had a staff-development day. Work for teachers; no school for students.

Josh follows Tyler, his frown replaced with a huge grin.

Written: 1/9/18-1/10/18 Words: 1,088
Woah, dudes, this is the longest chapter I've ever written in the entire history of me writing. I guess it makes up for not posting until a year later (Hah, jokes) I hope you enjoyed! Stay Alive, Frens💗


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