N i n e t e e n

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Tyler, Josh, Abigail and Ashley all walk out of the sanctuary together. Ashley hands the suitcase full of Abigail's stuff to Tyler, who thanks her and goes and puts it in the trunk of the car. Josh grins at Ashley, "Thank you." Ashley smiles softly at him, slightly confused, "For what?"
"Taking care of her and helping her." Josh states. The stare they have in each other lingers for a little bit, causing Tyler to clear his throat as a way to say, "Get over here before I cut you."

Josh, Tyler and Abigail pile into the vehicle and start off to the Dun's house. Halfway there, Josh slips his hand over to Tyler's, who's laying on his lap, and intertwines their fingers. He sets their interlocked hands on the console, and rubs Tyler's thumb with his own thumb. This is one of Tyler's favorite things that Josh does. It gives him a calm, safe feeling. It's soothing, for both Josh and Tyler.

"Josh?" Abigail pipes up. Josh glances at her through the rear-view mirror, "Yeah, Abbie?" Josh asks. Abigail giggles, "Are you and Tyler together?" Tyler's eyes widen and his face turns beet red, as does Josh's.
"Yeah, we are, and we're in love," Josh states, squeezing Tyler's hand. Tyler grins and squeezes his hand back. Abigail awes at his answer.

"So, Abigail, want to tell us about life in the sanctuary?" Tyler asks, he's very intrigued honestly. He's always been a fan of mysteries and spooky, unreal things. That's what the situation is like; it was unreal that Tyler made contact with a ghost that came back to human form and then fought to come back to life. Abigail is the mystery part, she's was missing for a while, finding her location was a whole mystery itself.

"Well, I was kidnapped while riding my bike. I had accidentally rode my bike too far. They did a really crappy job, though. They did take me far, but they were extremely careless. I was barely fed and hydrated, and they gave me some emotional trauma, but they only hit me. They took my life away. I was alone. About them being careless, they once left the door unlocked and I made a break for it. I ran though a forest, never once stopping. They darted after me, but never caught up to me. I finally came across a road and realised that I was free. I walked and walked until I came across that sanctuary. It was my only hope of finding home, so I took my chance and knocked on the door. Ashley opened it and she fed me and gave me something to drink. I felt I could talk to her about anything. I shared what happened, and she shared her story. Her parents died when she was younger. She explained the sanctuary and what it does and I felt I needed to be there. I healed, mentally and physically, and waited 'till someone arrived to pick me up and take me home. I always knew you wouldn't give up on me, Josh." Abigail answers Tyler with her whole story. Tyler and Josh sit in shock, but soon Josh says, "I would never give up on you, Abbie. I swore I was going to find you and bring you back before I died." Tyler stares at Josh, a soft smile on his face. This is another thing Tyler loves about Josh, he's extremely caring, especially to his family and Tyler. He always puts others first.

Finally, they arrive at the Dun house. Tyler and Abigail get out, Josh thinks Tyler deserves the credit, he did find her location after all. He also thinks his family wouldn't know of his presence either.

Tyler stands at the front door, Abigail hiding behind him. He knocks lightly on the door. Ashley walks out of the kitchen and to the front door, she opens it and smiles at him.
"Can I show you something?" Tyler asks her. Ashley furrows her eyebrows, and nods her head hesitantly.
"Can you get your family first?" Tyler questions. She nods her head once more and yells for them. They all pile around her and stare at Tyler.
"What do you want to show us?" Jordan asks impatiently. Tyler grins, pulling Abigail out from behind him and putting her in front of him. They all gasp and pull each other in a group hug. Tyler stands and watches, grinning ear to ear. He glances back at Josh to see his grin just as wide and tears falling down his face.

"Tyler, thank you. I don't know how you did it, but t-thank you. So, so much. We owe you big time." Laura rambles, she's too happy and just feeling so many emotions to get words out correctly. Tyler quickly explains everything to all of them, minus the Josh parts. He then turns back to the car, while he's walking away he still catches the quiet, "If only Josh was here. He'd be so happy. I can see his huge grin now with his crinkly eyes" Tyler's eyes soften as he smiles, if only they knew. They'd be getting their son/brother back soon.

They make their way home in comfortable silence.
"Josh, whatever happens when you come back. Don't be afraid or don't worry. You'll always have me." Tyler states. Josh smiles at him and nods, "The same to you, Ty."

They arrive at Tyler's home, but it does feel like home to Josh, too. Tyler sets the keys down and they walk upstairs together.
"When do you think this will end? You've completed your task." Tyler questions. Josh shrugs, "I guess we'll find out sometime soon?"

Tyler opens his bedroom door, let's Josh walk in, then closes it behind them. He walks over to his ukulele and continues working on, 'Tear In My Heart.' Josh smiles fondly at Tyler upon hearing the melody Tyler starts playing.
"I love you, Ty." Josh states.
"I love you too, Josh." Tyler says back.

Josh lays down on Tyler's bed, he isn't tired, but he feels himself falling into a deep sleep. Soon, everything around Josh fades to black.

Written: 8/7/18 Words: 1031
Stay Alive, Frens💗



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