T h i r t e e n

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After about 2 hours, Brendon and Dallon went home. The group had spent an hour exact researching to find Abigail, then the second hour, they spent getting to know each other and playing video games.

Now, Tyler is on his computer and Josh is going through his new clothes. "Hey, Ty?" Josh asks, getting his attention.
"Yeah, Josh?" Tyler responds, smiling softly at him.
"Do you think I could take a shower?" Josh asks hesitantly. Tyler smiles brightly and nods his head, "Yeah, go ahead."

Josh gets some pajama bottoms and underwear and walks into the bathroom. He sets the water to warm and then undresses himself. He throws the dirty clothes into the hamper, before getting into the much needed shower. After he's done, he brushes his teeth. He can hear Tyler moving about in his room. Metal clanking against metal and lots of puffs of air being exhaled.

Josh walks out of the bathroom to see Tyler in his closet.
"What are you doing?" Josh asks him. Tyler turns around, a blush on his face. He moves out of the closet and into his room.
"I made you a space in my closet," he states, motioning to the organized clothes that belong to Josh in his closet. Josh smiles brightly and engulfs Tyler into a big hug.
"Thank you, so much, you don't understand how much I appreciate this and everything you do for me." Josh thanks him. Tyler blushes harder, reciprocating the hug.

They pull apart, bog smiles on both of their faces.
"Do you wanna do something?" Josh asks Tyler. Tyler's face falls into worry, "Like what?" Josh throws on a hoodie, clasps their hands together then walks to the window. He opens the window and motions for Tyler to climb out. Tyler hesitantly does, Josh following right behind him. Josh climbs down on the ground, then helps Tyler down.

"If you get sick, you have the full right to blame it on me." Josh chuckles. Tyler laughs, "What are we even doing?" Josh grins, leaning down and picking up snow in his hands.
"What are we doing, you ask?" he says, packing a snowball together. Tyler steps backwards, "Josh, no." Josh grins and then throws the snowball at him, "This!"

Tyler laughs and picks up snow on his own, ignoring his hands starting to freeze because of the cold.
"Oh, you're on!" Tyler exclaims, throwing a snowball at him. They run around for 30 minutes, laughing and having a full on snowball fight. Josh chases Tyler around with a snowball and Tyler laughs while screaming. Josh tackles Tyler in a hug and they fall down onto the snow covered ground. They both land with an, 'oof.'

They're both in a fit of giggles, but they both soon stop and slow their heavy breathing. Tyler stares hesitantly in Josh's eyes, searching for-he doesn't know exactly. Josh stares right back. It's like a wanting in their eyes. Tyler takes a sharp intake of breath and licks his lips, not meaning to purse his lips after.

Josh's doesn't feel like his in control anymore, and it's like he just does what's best. What's right. He leans in, shutting his eyes. Tyler doing the same.

Their lips interlock into a sweet kiss that feels magical and like sparks flying. Josh cups Tyler's head in his hands, bringing it to a passionate kiss. They part after a little while, small genuine smiles upon their faces. Josh stands up, helping Tyler up right after.
"Let's get you in, it's freezing." Josh states. Tyler nods his head in agreement.

They soon are back in Tyler's room. Neither of them have said much. Josh has a blanket wrapped around Tyler though, trying to get him back to a regular temperature. Tyler is sitting on his lap, head against Josh's shoulder. He's slowly falling asleep due to the care he's receiving and how soothing Josh acts towards him.

"Josh?" Tyler finally breaks the silence.
"Yes, Ty?" Josh replies.
"You know I like you, right? I enjoyed the kiss very much and I hope you did, too. I don't regret it." Tyler states. Josh hugs Tyler closer and kisses his head, "I like you, too, Ty. I feel the exact same way, don't worry."

Written: 5/22/18-6/7/18 Words: 710
It's almost Josh's birthday and I don't know if I'll live. I'll most likely cry, who knows? Eat and drink something. You're worth the world. Stay Alive, Frens💗


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