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Tyler looks up at the red-head in disbelief. Josh doesn't say anything, he just grins at Tyler. Josh holds his hand out for Tyler. Tyler hesitates before placing his hand in Josh's and lets Josh pull him up off the ground.

Before Tyler can say anything, Josh engulfs him in a tight hug. Even though Tyler is extremely confused, he hugs back. Josh has his arms wrapped around Tyler's top half, so Tyler wraps his arms around Josh's torso.

"Thank you," Josh whispers. Tyler nods his head as a reply. He doesn't understand what's really happening. Someone, who was a spirit, just appeared as a human in his blue bedroom.

Josh finally lets go and locks eyes with the shorter of the two again.
"Josh, I can't believe you're real. What's going on? What happened? Please explain!" Tyler exclaims. Josh shushes the brunette before grabbing his hand and pulling him to his bed.

"Wow, this bed is a lot more comfy than I imagined!" Josh admires the soft and squishy material of the matress.
"Josh, please." Tyler pleads.
"Okay," Josh chuckles.

"On October First, I died in a car crash. I saw my own body being wheeled away and put into an ambulance. I was talked to by this guy, the path director. He told me to choose a door, either red or blue. He told me the red, you go straight to Hell, and blue, you are able to get into Heaven, as long as you save two living things. I chose blue, but in order to save two living things, I needed to be known. Now that you know who I am and that I'm real, I'm back in human form and I can touch things without struggling and I can talk to living things easily and they can see me. I believe no one will remember I'm supposed to be dead, except for the one who discovered me, you, everyone will think I'm Joshua Dun, but still alive. It's as if I never died. If I fail, though, I'll be actually dead again."

Tyler shakes his head in disbelief.
"That's crazy! It can't be true!" Tyler exclaims.
"It is, Ty, trust me!" Josh slightly smiles.
"I've been here the whole time, and I think we both know that. I frickin gave you your towel when you forgot it in here!" Josh exclaims. They're both now not following what Josh said and are being loud.
"Oh my God, that was you?!" Tyler squeals. He pushes Josh lightly. Josh chuckles and pushes him back.

"J-Josh?" Tyler asks softly. Josh smiles at the brunette. A blush forms on Tyler's cheeks.
"Since you've been here a while, did you ever-" Tyler stops mid-sentence, hesitant on what he's going to ask.
"Did I ever what, Ty?" Josh pushes on.
"Did you ever see me n-naked?" Tyler finally asks shyly. Josh laughs loudly, "No, Tyler, I respected your privacy. I'm not like that." Tyler gives Josh a soft smile.

"Thank you," Tyler states.
"No, thank you," Josh smiles warmly.

"Josh, who are you going to save?" Tyler asks curiously. Josh scratches the back of his neck.
"My sister, Abigail." Josh replies.
Tyler furrows his eyebrows at Josh.
"What's wrong with her?" Tyler pries.
"She, uh, she was kidnapped. I swore that before I died I'd make sure we knew what happened to her and if she's alive or not. I feel she is. I'm going to save her." Josh answers.

"Who else, though? I thought you have to save two people?" Tyler questions. Josh smiles softly.
"You know him. I was trying even as a ghost to save them, I still am." Josh grins cheekily. Tyler blushes lightly.
"I don't think you'll struggle anymore with that." Tyler runs his hand through his fluffy hair out of nervousness.

Josh lays down on Tyler's bed.
"How in the world am I going to get any leads on where Abigail is or what truly happened to her?" he sighs deeply. Tyler lays down beside the redhead.
"We'll find a way, Josh. We're in this together. We can do it. I believe in us." Tyler sighs contently. His eyes flutter closed as he whispers about not worrying and believe in them. Josh pulls Tyler closer to his side, to where Tyler is right up against him, and Tyler rests his head on Josh's chest.

"I believe in us, too." Josh sighs happily, he gives Tyler a soft squeeze then starts drifting away into slumber just like Tyler has.

Written: 3/21/18-3/26/18 Words: 756
When I was writing the part about Tyler asking if Josh saw him naked and an ad for condoms came on and I was crying of laughter ahaha. Stay alive, frens💗


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