Chapter 1

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It was morning and Marinette was late again. Tikki woke her up.

"Marinette! Wake up, you're gonna be late again!"

Tikki squealed and hugged Marinette's cheek. Her eyes shot open and she quickly crawled out her bed.

"Oh gosh, thank you for waking me up."

Marinette said while changing her clothes. Tikki smiled at her and helped her find her books. "Marinette, are you awake?" Sabine shouted downstairs

"Er, yeah mama, I'm awake."

She screamed back and looked back for her stuff. "I'm coming!" Her mother screamed and Marinette heard her mother walking upstairs.

"Hide, Tikki."

She whisper yelled at her kwami and Tikki quickly flew into her bag.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Sabine asked worried and Marinette fake smiled.

"I'm fine mama, nothing to worry about."

She answered and Sabine nodded.

"Okay then, now come, breakfast is ready!"

She said and walked downstairs again. Marinette quickly followed her mother with Tikki in her little purse.

After breakfast she walked to school, she was too later already so she took her time.

"Marinette, maybe try to wake up earlier tomorrow."

Tikki said and Marinette sighed.
"I know Tikki, it's just... I don't know why I'm always so late." She answered and Tikki giggled.

"Probably because you're a super hero. Everyone counts on you!"

Tikki answered cheerfully and hugged her holders cheek.

"I know Tikki, I know." She answered and walked further to school.

When she arrived she tried to sneak unnoticed in but Chloe immediately opened her mouth to bark at her.

"Mari-trash, trying to sneak in class? Try again."

She laughed hard and Sabrina laughed with her. Mss Bustier turned around to look at Chloe, and then at Marinette who was on her place now.

"Marinette, I know you're late."

She said calm and looked back at the blackboard. Marinette and Chloe glared mad at each other until Alya interrupted her.

"Girl, why're you late again?"

Alya asked and Marinette sighed deep.

"You know, just as usual. I wake up to late, I eat too slow and then I'm not in the mood anymore to run to class, you see?"

She answered and Alya giggled. "Typical you, Mari." She answered and Marinette smiled sheepishly at Alya.

"Class, I thought about something, for a while now."

Mss Bustier started and everyone payed attention at her.

"Oh, you ever think? What a surprise."

Chloe barked at Miss Bustier and laughed hard with Sabrina.

"Chloe, you can also just go, if that's what you want."

Miss Bustier said sternly and Chloe rolled her eyes.
"I don't think that my father would like that." She answered while taking her phone.

"Do you think I care about your father?"

She barked back and rolled her eyes at Chloe.

"Anyway, as I was saying. I've been thinking about something. And I think it's a good idea."

Mss Bustier smirked wide and everyone looked curious at her. "For the school project you have to move in with a classmate for one month!" Miss Bustier cheered happy and everyone gasped.

"Wow, cool! And why?" Rose asked happy

"Because, every family is different. And I want you to learn from that." Miss Bustier answered and Rose nodded happy.

"And can we choose by who?"

Nino asked and Miss Bustier shook her head.

"Of course not. What do you think, Nino? Half of the class will stay at their own home and the other half will move in with them."

She answered and everyone nodded.

"I hope you're with Adrien, girl."

Alya poked in Marinette's stomach and everyone looked at them, even Adrien. Marinette felt her cheeks turning slightly rose. Apparently everyone heard what Alya said.

"Here are the pairs..."

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