Chapter 15

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I don't know what happened... XD  let's just get into it.

Marinette and Chat were on the bed staring at each other. It was awkwardly silent and Marinette felt a blush appear on her cheeks so Chat decided to break the silence, he took a deep breath and smiled at Marinette.

"So... How are things going between you and that Adrien boy you're living with?" Chat asked and Marinette looked up at him.

She smiled nervously and looked around again. "Good... Yea-Good...." Marinette answered and smiled at him. Chat was a little shocked of her answer.

It wasn't good between them, they hardly spoke with each other. Marinette sighed and looked guilty at her friend.

"Who am I kidding? It's kinda awkward between us." Marinette smiled nervously and Chat nodded.

"After I confessed to him, we hardly spoke. I've been avoiding him." Marinette sighed and Chat nodded again. "And... Why are you avoiding him? I mean... Maybe you shouldn't." Chat said and Marinette sighed. "He knows that I like him. I don't-..." "Yes he knows, but that's just good! Now you can talk to him without stuttering too much." Chat interrupted her and chuckled soft.

Marinette gave him a confused look and frowned. "How do you know that I stutter around him?" Marinette asked and looked unsure at him. Chat looked nervously at her and coughed. "I...I don't know? I mean you told me about your huge crush on him, isn't that normal then? No? Hehe." Chat answered and Marinette smiled while her cheeks are turning red.

"Yeah..." She smiled at the superhero and he smiled back. "Thank you, Chat." Marinette smiled wide and pulled him in a hug. Chat looked flustered at the bluenette and felt his cheeks turning slightly pink. He then smiled and returned the hug. "O-Of course, princess."

"Marinette?" Chat asked and Marinette looked up. "Yes, Chat?" she said and smiled at him. "I think it's better if you stop avoiding Adrien." Chat said and Marinette looked questionable at him. "W-Why?" She asked and Chat sighed. "I don't think he likes it. What if you give him the wrong intentions? Maybe he thinks that he did something wrong, you know?" Chat said and Marinette nodded. "Yeah maybe you're right." Marinette said and smiled at him.

They talked and talked until Chat's ring beeped. He looked at his ring and smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry, it's time for me to go." Chat said and sat up from the bed. "See you tomorrow, princess." he kissed her cheek and disappeared in the dark outside.

Marinette smiled widely and blushed hard. "Bye...Kitty." She sighed and fell on her bed. Tikki appeared from underneath the pillow, flew to Marinette and smirked wide. "Marinette, are you sure you're not in love with Chat Noir?" Tikki asked and Marinette rolled her eyes. "I told you already, I like Adrien! Chat and I are just friends." Marinette explained and Tikki chuckled. She flew to the bluenettes cheek and hugged it. "And even if I feel anything for him, he doesn't like me in that way. So I've nothing to worry about." Marinette added and Tikki nodded. "Only that Chat visits you, kisses your hand and cheek and let's not forget that you two almost kissed! He leaned in Mari, he leaned in." Tikki exclaimed and Marinette shook her head. "We.Are.Just.Friends Tikki, just friends!" Marinette answered and Tikki did a facepalm. "Marinette, he likes you!" Tikki almost yelled and Marinette frowned.

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