Chapter 34

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I just watched 'The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas'

heart breaking...


*spoiler alert*
and then the father of Bruno is shocked cuz his son is killed.

excuse me I'm just pissed off lol.


Adrien and Marinette were currently home again.

They were in Marinette her room talking and laughing as always.

Marinette really wanted to bring the topic back but she was scared he'd regret his decision.

Adrien on the other hand was waiting for the perfect moment to bring back the topic. He wasn't scared or nervous. He was happy and enthusiastic.

"So Mari..."

"Yeah... Heh."

"There's something you need to know, before I... You know."

"Yes, I'm sorry, but there was an akuma and you know how that goes, but really I'm sorry that I cut you off like that because I didn't want it to go like this, I knew this was too good to be true you see I really hoped nothing would happen but of course it did and I'm rambling, am I?"

Adrien chuckled soft and rubbed the back of his neck.
Marinette was relieved he smiled at her, maybe that meant he wasn't mad at her or something.

"Marinette, I understand. You're a super hero, and you did what you had to."

"I'm glad you understand Adrien."

"About the superhero thing... There's something you need to know..."

"Yes? What is it."

Adrien felt the nervousness upcoming and he started playing with his ring again.

"I don't know how to say this..."

"You can try it with words."

"Serious, Mari. I have no idea how you'll react. So I'm just gonna say it. But please don't hate me."

"What could be so bad I'd hate you?"

I don't know, maybe the fact that I lied to you while you were struggling with your feelings.

"You're about to find out.
Do you remember Chat Noir? Of course you remember him, silly me. But what I wanted to say is that-"

"I know you're Chat Noir."
Marinette cupped his cheeks in her hands and smiled soft at him.

He glanced nervously around in the room before looking at Marinette again.

"H-How did you find out?"

"First of all, your voice, I recognized your voice. Second of all, every time there was an akuma attack you mysteriously disappeared. Also, I saw Plagg multiple times hiding from me."

Adrien shrugged and smiled sheepishly making Marinette laugh. He looked so adorable.

"Heh.. You caught me, oops."

Marinette smiled soft at him and shook her head.

"But, you're not mad at me, right?"

"Adrien, I'm not... Not anymore. I was kinda pissed but I also understood why you did it."

"Oh... Sorry. It was just stupid to visit you as Chat Noir."

"Of course not. It's really cute. And I'm just happy I don't have to choose between you and Chat."

"And I also understand now why you wanted to take that 'break'."

"Oh right... Sorry to hurt your feelings, Marinette."

"That's the past now. Let's forget about it and think about the future for example."

"Right. Does that mean you want me in your future, Mari?"

"Is this your way of asking a girl?"
Adrien grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.
Marinette rolled her eyes and chuckled soft.

"Your Chat is showing, Adrien. But yes I'd love to be your girlfriend."

"I'm very pleased m'lady."
He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly.
Marinette gladly returned the hug.

While they were hugging, Plagg appeared from under a pillow and stared at the couple.

"My job is done."
He said proud and nodded.

"Our job is done."
The red kwami appeared too and corrected him.
She flew to Plagg and smiled at him.

As Marinette and Adrien both pulled back Adrien bent on his knees and took Marinette her hand in his hand.

"Good, now..."

"What are you doing, Adrien?"
She asked and chuckled soft.

"Marry me."



I did it lol. I ended the story.

I had actually fun writing this book lol.
Even though there were a lot of crappy chapters.

You don't have to read this, this isn't life savings but I just wanted to say thank you for the 30K reads like wth how even I never thought this would happen ......

also thank you for all the sweet and funny comments

and when I felt like everything was crashing down y'all helped me so like thank you!!!!!!!

thanks for appreciating my stupid childish jokes and useless comments

so just thank you
cuz you know what they say:
life's better with applesauce

nobody said that lol




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