Chapter 29

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I'm back... 😎

no but seriously,
I'm gonna try and make
this chapter happy and
not depressing

No joke, excuse me.


One week later

Everything was going perfect in Paris. No more akumas, no more Chloe being annoying,

Only Marinette and Adrien who became closer.
They talked every evening about what not.

They are really good friends now, and Marinette loves the feeling of being a good friend of Adrien. Every evening they talked he reminded her about it.

It was always like ...

"Thanks for listening, Marinette. You're a good friend!"

Or ...

"Mari, I like it how close we are lately."

Or ...

"Can I give you a hug, Mari? I've never hugged a friend before."

So they are really good friends now, that's obviously. And Marinette is starting to forget Chat Noir, little by little.

She told Adrien one time that she was trying but he only nodded. So that
was the only subject they didn't talk about.

Life's hard, they say.

Life's too short, they say.

Love is the most amazing feeling in the world, they say.

And Marinette couldn't agree more.

Because even though she and Adrien wouldn't become a couple, she's really happy with her friendship with him.

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