Chapter 7

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Chat and Marinette were talking and having fun. But Marinette was a little worried. "Adrien is taking awfully long. What if something happened?" she asked and Chat chuckled. "Calm down Mari. There won't happen anything." He said and Marinette looked up. "How can you be so sure, Chat?" She asked a little harsh and he looked at the ground. "If only she knew..." he thought and shook it of. "Because I just am, Mari." He answered and chuckled again. Marinette shook her head. "What's the time? His fencing lessons are long over." She said and grabbed her phone. "How do you know that?" Chat asked with a smirk and Marinette felt her cheeks turning slightly pink. "If only he knew how much I know about him..." she said and looked Chat deep in the eyes. "Like what?" He asked curiously and grinned. Marinette smirked and poked playfully his shoulders. "Why? Does it matter?" She asked while leaning closer to Chat. "Well, maybe it does." He whispered and also leaned closer to the bluenette. Suddenly they heard a beep coming from Chats ring. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go. See you later princess." He said and leaned back. "Bye kitty." She smiled and chat smiled back. He leaned to her cheek and gave it a quick peck. She blushed and a wide smile appeared on her lips. With that Chat Noir disappeared in the dark.

A moment later Marinette heard a knock on her door. It was Adrien, he was finally back from his lessons. Marinette felt her cheeks turning slightly pink again to reveal Adrien in her room. "Hey Mari! I'm back. I know I'm late but something happened." (A bluenette happened lol)
Marinette nodded and sighed. She thought about the words Chat Noir said, and about the word Chloe said.

"Tell him..."

"Adrien?" Marinette began and Adrien looked up. They made eye contact and Marinette felt her heartbeat going really fast. "Yes?" He asked and Marinette took a deep breath. "Okay... This is had for me to say. But please promise me not to laugh." She said and Adrien chuckled. "Okay... I won't laugh Mari." He said and Marinette nodded.
"I..." she began and Adrien knew what was coming. He was just waiting for her to say the words. "I really like you Adrien..." she whispered loud enough for him to hear it. Adrien felt his cheeks turning slightly pink and couldn't help it but smiled. He felt his Chat coming out so he hugged her tight without saying anything. Marinette hugged him back and was silent too. She was too flustered to think at the moment. She was so happy that Adrien didn't laugh or ran away. Instead of that her crush hugged her.

He then pulled back and looked at her with a smile. "I like you too." He said and disappeared in his room leaving the confused bluenette alone.
Tikki flew out her jacket to face Marinette.
"You did it!" Tikki cheered and hugged Marinette her cheek. "I did it, Tikki." She whispered still confused and a little flustered. A big feeling of happiness grew inside her and she couldn't help but scream at the feeling. "Sst, calm down Mari!" Tikki whisper yelled and Marinette nodded. "Yeah, sorry." She said and entered her room with Tikki. Marinette stared at her kwami with a wide smirk. "Yes yes, I know what you have in mind. Just say the words." Tikki said and rolled playfully with her eyes.

"Tikki, spots on!"

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