Chapter 16

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Adrien opened his eyes with a smile on his lips.

He rose out his bed and walked to his little black kwami who was sleeping and probably dreaming about camembert.
"Plagg, wake up buddy." Adrien whispered in his ear and Plagg slowly opened his eyes. "Five... More... Hours.." Plagg muffled and drifted off to sleep again. Adrien chuckled as he shook his head.

"Whatever, I'm gonna wake Marinette up."

He changed in his clothes and left his room. As he entered the hall he smelled something really good coming from the kitchen. He followed the smell and entered the kitchen.

A bluenette was in the kitchen holding a plate with breakfast, she turned around to reveal Adrien staring at her.

"A-Adrien! You startled me."

"I'm sorry... What are you holding there?" He pointed at the plate in her hands and smirked.

"This is for you, I was just on my way to your room." She explained and handed him the plate.

"Thanks Marinette. But what about you?" He asked and placed the plate on the table.
She shrugged and took a chair to sit. Adrien did the same with a chair next to her.

"I've already ate."

"You're lying Marinette."

"I'm not."

Adrien sighed and looked at his breakfast. Marinette stared at him with her big bluebell eyes making him nervous.

"Marinette, thank you for breakfast." He began and Marinette smiled limp at him.

"But you know that I'd rather eat breakfast together."

"We're together now? I don't see the problem Adrien."

"You know what I mean."

"No I don't, explain me please Adrien."



"I have to go. I have modelling in seven minutes." Adrien stood up from his chair and handed Marinette the plate.

"Can you please clean the kitchen for me? I have no time." He asked and ran out the kitchen leaving an unbelievable bluenette alone with the plate still in her hands.

"I-I'm sorry... I have no time either, I have school, remember?" She screamed after him but he was already gone.

Tikki flew out her pocket to face her holder. She smiled at Marinette and Marinette smiled back.

"No worries. This'll be fixed in no time."

"Yeah... it can take around seven hours because I'm really slow..."

"No I'm talking about you and Adrien! You guys were fighting, Marinette. This has to be fixed."


"The kitchen can wait, you need to go. Nathalie will clean it."

"Oh okay... Let's go."

Marinette took her bag and left the house with Tikki in her little pink purse.

"And for your information, Tikki, we just had an argument. Not a fight." Marinette added and Tikki mentally facepalmed.

"Marinette, run! You're gonna be late again."

"Yeah... Sorry let's go."

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