Chapter 3

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As I promised ...

Today was the day Marinette has to move in with Adrien. She was nervous as hell. She was at school waiting with Adrien for his Gorilla. They didn't talk much, she was too nervous.

"So Marinette.... Tell me a little about yourself, if you don't mind." Adrien said and Marinette smiled nervously at him.
"Er... Sure, love fashion I. I-I mean, I love fashion, hehe." She rambled nervously making Adrien chuckle a bit. "Really?" He asked and Marinette nodded. "Yeah dude.- I mean, Y-Yes." she answered and then Gorilla arrived in his car. "It's time for us to Marinette. Do you want me to drag your stuff?" He asked and offered his hand. "Er... Sure. I mean, no thanks Adrien." She answered and looked nervous at the ground. He looked unsure at her but shrugged it off. Once they were in the car the same awkward silence appeared. Marinette looked awkwardly through the window and Adrien looked the whole time at Marinette, making her nervous. He just looked at her with an unreadable expression. It was so silent so Gorilla decided to turn some music on. He turned the music on and it made Marinette startle. She jumped a bit and Adrien started to laugh really hard.
"D-Don't laugh, Adrien." Marinette said with a red head. "Sorry... It was just cute how you startled." He answered while chuckling. "He thinks I'm cute. AAAHH. Hmm..." She thought in herself and looked through the window again. The rest of the ride was silent again.

They arrived at the mansion and were Gabriel was waiting for them.
They walked inside and he immediately greeted her. "Good evening, Marinette. I guess you're here for the project." He said and Marinette and Adrien both nodded. "Yes she is, father. Now I'm gonna show her room." He said and just wanted to go but Gabriel stopped him.
"Of course." Gabriel answered and Adrien nodded. Marinette smiled at Gabriel and followed Adrien to her room. They walked to her room and Adrien let her in. It was a big green room and yeah there was a bed and stuff (im so bad at this HAHAA)

"So, Marinette this is your room. " Adrien smiled at her and Marinette smiled back. "T-Thank you." She replied and Adrien smiled. "Feel free to visit mine. I'm most of the time pretty bored." He winked at her and left her room. "AAHH." She screamed in herself and cheered. "He winked at me, someone help me!" She said and Tikki appeared from her bag. "Marinette, you should accept his offer. It's the best way to become friends!" Tikki suggested and Marinette hesitated. "I don't know Tikki... It's kinda awkward between us." Marinette answered and Tikki hugged her cheek. "But Marinette, you have to start somewhere!" She explained and Marinette nodded. "I know, I'll go and talk with him after unpacking, okay?" Marinette said and Tikki cheered.

After unpacking Marinette spoke herself some courage and Tikki helped her. "You can do this, Marinette." Tikki said and Marinette nodded confident. "I can do this! Hide Tikki." She said and opened the door to go to Adrien his room, but she bumped into someone. "ow." They both exclaimed and they fell on the ground. It was Adrien, she just fell on Adrien. Marinette opened her eyes to see Adrien under her. Adrien also opened his eyes and they immediately widened when he saw Marinette. She quickly jumped up and helped him up. "I'm so sorry, Adrien. I was on my way to your room." Marinette said guilty and Adrien rubbed his head. "That okay, Marinette. I was on my way to your room, what a coincidence." He chuckled soft and Marinette smiled sheepishly at him. "Well, do you like it here?" He asked and Marinette smiled. "Yeah! I like it here a lot, but not as much as I like you hehe." She said and slapped herself mentally. Adrien looked weird at her but smiled. "Thank you, haha." He answered and chuckled a bit. "I was kidding! I-I.... It wasn't what I.." She sighed and did a mental face palm.

This will be a long month...

Moving in with my crushWhere stories live. Discover now