Chapter 19

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"I have to go..."

Marinette pulled herself from his grip and turned around. She felt kinda guilty that she had to leave but it was better if nothing happened between them, she's already confused enough. Even though she really needed that hug, it'd only confuse her more.

As Marinette was out of sight Plagg appeared from his room,

"That was an awkward conversation..."

"Plagg if you're here to judge me then please go eat some camembert."

"As much as I love your offer, I hate it to see you sad, so say the words so we can go to Alya her house."

"You mean... I should go?"

"Yes, quick before I change my mind."

Adrien wasn't sure of that idea. Wasn't it kinda weird to do? It feels like he's stalking her.

"I...I don't know Plagg, I think I should stay home."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't wanna disturb her evening with Alya."

"What are you saying? I think Marinette would love it."

"I see her tomorrow anyway."

Plagg closed his eyes and sighed. Adrien shrugged and walked to his fathers office.

Im sorry this is really short ...


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