Chapter 8

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The following morning

Marinette was already downstairs eating her breakfast when a sleepy Adrien entered the room.
Marinette stood up from her table and quickly walked to the kitchen till she heard a familiar voice.
"Marinette, wait." Adrien stopped her and walked to her direction, he took her shoulders and turned her around to face him. Marinette really didn't wanna face Adrien now. She was still embarrassed of yesterday. Adrien studied her actions as she looked at the ground. "Why are you avoiding me?" He asked and Marinette chuckled and looked up. "I'm not avoiding you." She said and made eye contact with the blonde. "No? You are not?" He asked with unbelief in a mocking tone. "No, I'm not Adrien..." she answered soft and Adrien grinned. "Then explain me this." He pointed at the plate Marinette was holding. There still lay a croissant and a yogurt on the plate. "Oh that? That's a funny story actually." She chuckled nervously and Adrien looked deep in her eyes with a serious expression. Marinette felt her cheeks turning slightly pink and hide her face by turning her head at the ground. "I'm going to school. Bye Adrien!" She handed her plate to Adrien and ran outside.
"Marinette, your bag!" He yelled behind her but she was already gone. He sighed and took confused a bite from the croissant.
He shrugged and walked to his fathers office.

Marinette entered school and this time she was perfectly on time. Now was the moment to confront Chloe about yesterday. She walked in school and saw Chloe calling someone with Sabrina behind her listening. Marinette walked in their direction and when Chloe noticed that she immediately stopped the call to look annoyed at the bluenette.

"What do you want?" She asked and Marinette took a deep breath. "I talked to Adrien. He knows about my crush on him." She said and smirked. Chloe frowned "What?! You told him?" She asked unbelievable and Marinette nodded. "Leave me alone, will you?" She asked and smirked wide. She turned around and walked to her best friend Alya who just appeared in school.

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