Chapter 24

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I've got nothing to say...
Happy birthday! Did you read that quote: "You can eat cake everyday to celebrate someone's birthday on the world."
so beautiful. btw the boy i like asked me to hang out again. i said no...

It was noon and Adrien was in his room talking with Plagg about Ladybug.

"Plagg, I've been thinking lately."

"Yes? About what."

"It can't be so hard to figure out who Ladybug is, right?"

"Oh, not really. You maybe even know her behind the mask."


"I don't know kid."

"What if it's someone I know. What if it's Nino?"

"Kid. Nino is a boy, Ladybug is a girl obviously."


"Adrien, where is my cheese boy?"

"Yes it's here."

Adrien always thought Ladybug was Marinette because of the same height, voice, eye colour and hair, but he never really dared to believe it.

"Could it... Could it be that Marinette is Ladybug?"

"Why do you think that?"

"Their hair, voices, eyes and height match. Or is it just coincidence."

"I don't know Adrien."

"C'mon Plagg, I need to know who the girl is I have a crush on."

"I thought you liked Marinette? You two are practically together."

"Chat and Marinette are together, Adrien and Marinette not."

"Okay, explain me please, is this some kind of Love Square thing?"

"No Plagg, it's more difficult than that."

"So you like Ladybug and Marinette?"

"Yes, but Ladybug doesn't have the same feelings for me as I for her."

"Oh, you asked her that? Every girl loves you, why wouldn't she?"

"No, but as Chat Noir! I meant as Chat. We're partners remember?"

"Oh, I get it. Marinette likes Adrien and Chat Noir. And Adrien likes Marinette and Ladybug. But we don't know who Ladybug likes."


"That's weird..."

"And so messed up. I now understand Marinette her feelings."

"It was so stupid of you to visit her. Now you're in love with her but you can't reveal yourself because her feelings for Adrien are disappearing little by little. That would be a no go zone."

"Ugh I know."

"But you kissed her, I mean, Chat Noir kissed her."


"I think it's the best to forget Ladybug and go for Marinette."

"But I see her almost everyday. It's not that easy."

"Okay this is so hard. My brain can't handle this."

"Hahaha Plagg."

"This is why I'm in love with El Plaggo, this cheese is already 153 year old. Doesn't she look delicious?"

"No thank you. Marinette smells way better than that."

Aaaannd CUT!!


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