Chapter 18

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*Little update*
my crush hugged me...
😂😍💛❤️😩i love my life.

Marinette was in her room packing her bag to go to Alya. Alya was right, a night with her best friend will clear things in her head and calm her down. She only forgot one little thing. Tikki flew out her purse to face Marinette.

"Marinette, does Adrien know you won't be here tonight?"

"I...I told Gabriel, isn't that enough?"

"He won't like it if he hears from his father that you're not here tonight, and you know that, Marinette."

"Okay you're right. Is he in his room?"


Marinette sighed and walked to Adrien his room. She knocked on the door and it slowly opened. A blonde haired boy with green eyes peaked outside to reveal the pigtail girl in front of his door.

"Hey Marinette."

"H-Hey Adrien"

"I'm only here to say that I'm going to Alya this evening. We'll see each other tomorrow."

She turned around to leave but Adrien grabbed her hand and turned her around again. He stared in her eyes and sighed.

"Marinette, please tell me what's wrong."

"There's nothing wrong, I just need a night with my best friend."

"Are you gonna talk about me?"

"Maybe... Isn't that kinda logic?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, forget that I said that."

She turned around again but Adrien hold her hand tighter so she couldn't leave. She felt her cheeks turning slightly pink as she looked in his beautiful emerald green eyes. Marinette would love to stay and stare in his eyes forever, but Alya was waiting and it was time for her to go.

"Adrien please let me go. Alya is waiting."

"Marinette tell me the truth, why are you going to Alya?"

"Because she's my best friend Adrien?"

"Marinette, you're lying to me, please tell me the truth."

"What are you talking about? Isn't it normal for a girl to hangout with her best friend?"

"Yes... But you're avoiding me the whole time."

"That's not true. I have no reason to avoid you Adrien."

"You're lying. I can see it in your eyes."

"This is ridiculous."

"Just... Just tell me, I won't laugh."


"Is it about Chloe?"

"She has nothing to do with this?!"

"Marinette please I know something is wrong."

"Ugh okay. You wanna know why? I'm avoiding you because I'm embarrassed, I'm embarrassed because I like you and I confessed to you. And yes you said that you liked me back but not like that! I know I'm just a friend to you and probably now a stranger because I'm acting so childish, but I just can't. I just can't."

They stared at each other and Adrien smiled. Marinette felt her cheeks turning slightly pink as she looked in his eyes.

"M-Marinette... Can I hug you?"

"I have to go."

FYI i'm not ruining the ships in this story, it's just going a little swoopy hehe lolz

Adios amigos


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