Chapter 17

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For y'all who haven't seen Luka yet... Look at the pic. He looks.... He looks pretty g- ...

Let's get into it lol

Btw I changed my mind, I'm not a Lukanette shipper anymore. XD His face made me change my mind. lol let's get started.

But actually... He doesn't look that bad, don't you think? I like his eyes lol.

It was afternoon and everyone was paying attention in class to mss Bustier.

"Kids, can you give me some updates about how it is to live with your classmates?"

Miss Bustier turned around and looked  at everything. Alya raised her hand and she gave her permission to talk.

"Nino makes weird sounds in the night. I can hear it from my room."

"Hey! What are you talking about? Alya is always on her phone talking about Ladybug and the Ladyblog. So much it's unhealthy."

Nino and Alya looked at each other and burst out into laughing hard, even what they said about each other they can still laugh.

Adrien raised slowly his hand and mss Bustier nodded at him.

"It's going really good between Marinette and me."

He said and fake smiled. Everyone turned to Marinette to reveal her fake smiling too.

"Y-Yeah, we're on best terms right now"

Miss Bustier nodded and Marinette sighed deep.
She was kinda relieved Adrien didn't tell them about their little argument.

"Girl, that smile was so fake. Tell me, what happened between you and Adrien?"

Alya asked and Marinette shrugged her shoulders with a sigh.

"We just had an argument..."


"I-I don't know..."

Alya wrapped her arm around the bluenette next to her and smiled soft.

"I'm sure it's something little that'll be fixed in no time."

"But its all my fault Alya. I just don't know how to act around him."

"What you need is a girls night."

Marinette looked up at her friend who was smirking widely. She looked a little unsure at her.

"A night only the two of us will cheer you up!"

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