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A/N: so I'm tagged thanks to you miraculouschatnerd 😂💟

How are you?
I'm good thanks lol I'm also tired XD

Have you ever been in love?
I've had a boyfriend  3 months ago. And I think I'm In love again lol.

What's your name
My name is Mary

A good and bad thing about yourself
I'm confident so I dare to stand up for myself.
But I'm really lazy and relaxed all the time which isn't good for school for example. I don't really care if my grades are bad and it isn't for looking bold or something. I'm just not interested 😂

Fav song
Pff (lol😂) Probably this

- I feel it coming (The weeknd

- Love & War (Yellow claw & Yade Lauren G-funk remix)

Are you hungry
I always am.lol

Chloe or Lila?
Wtf is this even a question? Chloe lol
Lila tried to seduce Adrien in 'Volpina' I saw it in her eyes. 🤯🤠😬😤 she wanted to eat him up k.

Do you ship Gabriel and Nathalie?
Uhh... I don't know actually. Apparently not because Mama Agreste is coming back ofc. I'm counting on her. "Don't make me ship Nathalie and Gabriel, Mama Agreste." lol.

Do you like applesauce?
I LOOOOVE IT. ITS MY OTP! wait... whut?

How old are you?
I'm 14 years old lol.

Single or taken
As I already said, I'm single but in love... Life can be so hard.
*walks to random room.*
*eats applesauce *

Volleyball and scouts 😄.

What does your dream boy look like?
Honey skin, green eyes, blonde messy hair, lol
Black hair, glasses, light brown eyes, light skin, freckles, braces and dark eyebrows. If such boy would exist 😍😭

When was the last time you were grounded.
Today! Actually... I've been skipping school lately, and a teacher caught me. School called my mom and now I'm grounded. ⚡️

What is your hair color?

How many languages can you speak?
Uhh... 7 😌
I'm kidding lol probably 3. Dutch, French and English (bad really bad)

What would you do if Chloe would rape Adrien.
Okay? Probably nothing... or I'd eat applesauce and watch Avatar XDD.

What advice do you have for girls with a heartbreak?
I'd say... eat a lot of applesauce and ketchup with cornflakes. It's delicious trust me. Anywayss... Don't think about the boy or girl who broke your heart. You have your friends you can count on. Just have fun YOLO.

What is your opinion about people who are in love with the same sexuality?
So you mean lesbians and stuff? Well I don't have an opinion about that. Is it supposed to be something weird? I think it's pretty normal. I mean, who cares about that? Let them be, you can't choose who you love.

Do you know Neymar?
Are you kidding? I love everything about him! Except for his girlfriend, that bitch can die in peace. Xo

Aren't these enough questions?
I guess so? I've been writing this for three days already and it's still not done. Imma post this now. You just wait.

Are you interested in school.
Fuck that.

When will you post a new chapter?
Boii I'm trying! My life has just been hectic lately. I've been crying in my room every night cuz I'm scared as hell.

Are you happy?
Yes I am? I mean I guess?

I'm tagging 21 of my good friends lol.


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