Chapter 23

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Lol. about 'Troublemaker.' It doesn't matter that everyone will see the pics of Adrien in Mari her room, they already think they are a couple.
**flashback to Gorizilla**
anyone else who plays Episode in his free time? Or just all the time? lol. Clappppppppp those hands.
k wtf am I saying let's just get started

The following morning Marinette and Alya were on their way to school as suddenly the limousine of Adrien was riding and stopped in the middle of the street. Marinette and Alya looked shocked as Adrien exits the car and walks in their direction.

"Oh, no... No no no no no, this isn't happening."

"Apparently it is."

"I can't face Adrien right now?!"

"Well, you're gonna have to. He's coming this way."

Marinette wanted to turn around to run away but Alya quickly grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Marinette, stay here. Don't run away, you're gonna have to face him anyway."


Before she could answer Adrien was already with them with a big smile on his face. He smiled widely at the bluenette and winked at her. The thing is, he isn't Chat Noir right now so he's gonna have to behave like Adrien.

"H-Hey, Adrien."

"Hey Mari."

"I'll leave you two alone. Good luck girl." (Alya)

"Sure thing. Thanks Alya."

As Alya continued her way to school Marinette was cursing in herself and looking at the ground. She didn't wanna face Adrien.

"Are you okay, Marinette?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

"Look, I want everything to be normal again between us."

"Me too. Because there's something you need to know."

"What is it?"

"There's this boy, he's been visiting me a lot lately. And yeah we've been really close lately."

"And you like him?"

"W-we kissed."

The last sentence came out really soft as Marinette looked at the ground. Adrien wanted to hug her and kiss her cheek but it was better if not.

"I'm really happy for you."

"T-thank you."

"But Adrien, you're not mad or anything?"

"What? Why would I?"

"Because not long ago I told you that I liked you and now I kissed someone else."

"That's no problem for me. We're friends, right?"


Marinette was relieved that Adrien wasn't mad or anything. And she was even more happy that it's okay again between them. She couldn't wish it better. But she was still confused, the fact that she still has a crush on Adrien.

"B-but Adrien, I still like you."

"As a friend then? Or..."

"No... More. My feelings don't just randomly disappear. I'm just confused."

"I understand. We're still friends anyway."

is this a friendzone?

"Thank you, Adrien."

They smiled at each other and continued their way to school.


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