Chapter 2

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"Here are the pairs."

Marinette wasn't listening until she heard her name.
She looked up and crossed her fingers.

"Please Alya, please Alya..." She thought in herself.

"Marinette you're gonna move in with Adrien."

Miss Bustier smiled and looked at Adrien and her. Adrien turned around to smile at Marinette.

"Well, I guess we'll live together for a month, Marinette."

Adrien smiled sheepishly making Marinette blush.

"Y-Yeah... Looking forward am I! I mean- I'm looking forward for it!"

She smiled nervous and felt her cheeks turning slightly pink. Adrien smiled at her and turned around again.

"Girl, you're with Adrien. You're so lucky!"

Alya whispered while poking in her stomach. Marinette sighed dreamily and smiled wide.

"Excuse me, I don't think that's a good idea. Adrikins should move in by me. Not Marinette!"

Chloe barked again and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Chlo, it doesn't really matter, does it?" Adrien said at her and Chloe looked with unbelief at him.

"Of course it matters! I don't wanna live with that weird tomato boy for one while month!"

She screamed back and Nathaniel looks up.

"My name is Nathaniel, Chloe! And You're not the only one who isn't looking forward to this!"

He screamed at her and Chloe rolled her eyes. She turned back to miss Bustier.

"What I'm trying to say is, I won't let anyone near my hotel unless it's my Adrikins."

She explained and Adrien sighed and shook his head. Miss Bustier shrugged and threw her arms in the air.

"Chloe, then don't. But your grade will be bad."

Miss Bustier answered calm and nodded while frowning her eyebrows.
"Really bad." She said again and left the room.

Chloe stormed at Marinette and pointed her finger in her face.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, don't be happy! This is all your fault. Don't you see that Adrien is everything but happy that you're gonna live with him?"

she barked at her and Marinette glared mad at her.

"Chloe, just shut up."

She barked back and Chloe laughed loud.

"You're gonna regret this, Marinette."

She snapped at her and stomped back to her seat.
Marinette sighed deep and went for a nap on her desk.

~In the evening~

Marinette was in her room making her homework.

"Tikki, I don't understand any of this."

She cried and Tikki hugged her cheek.

"Marinette your homework is for later. It's time for patrol with Chat Noir!"

Tikki cheered and Marinette nodded.
"You're right. You ready?"
Marinette stood up from her desk and Tikki nodded.

"I'm ready, Marinette." Tikki answered and Marinette nodded.

"Tikki, spots on! Yeah!" She transformed in Ladybug and yo-yoed away.

She yo-yoed to the Eiffel Tower, the place where she always meet Chat Noir.
Chat Noir was already sitting on the Tower and waiting for his lady.

"Hey, Chat Noir!" Ladybug screamed and Chat looked up at her.

He smiled wide at her and kissed her hand. "Good evening, m'lady." he kisssd her hand and greeted her with a smile.

"Hey Chaton. Let's go, I still have homework."

She said and Chat Noir chuckled.

"Is m'lady in a rush?"

Chat smirked and Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"See you in a bit!" She screamed and yo-yoed away. Chat Noir chuckled and did the same.

~20 minutes later~

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it, Chaton."

Ladybug asked Chat while looking at the sunset. Chat nodded slowly and let his sight fly over the horizon.

"It makes me calm. Everything that happened lately..." She sighed and Chat looked up.

"What do you mean? What happened." He asked and Ladybug blushed a bit.
"Well, I'm gonna live with my crush for one whole month." She answered and Chat felt his heart break in pieces.
But then he thought about Marinette. "Yeah..." He answered and sighed deep.
Then Ladybug jumped up making Chat startle. "Chat, I have to go! See you tomorrow." She smiled at him and yo-yoed away.


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