Chapter 10

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Read the A/N note please...

With Adrien...

"Adrien, there she is!" Plagg yelled in Adrien his ear and he looked up. "There's Marinette! Go talk to her, about yesterday. You know." Plagg smirked and the blonde smiled. "I guess..." he shrugged and walked into her direction while Plagg hides in his bag. He made eye contact with the bluenette and she immediately ran away. Adrien sighed and walked further. Plagg flew out his bag again and smiled limp at his holder. "Well, if you can't talk to him as Adrien. Then just go as Chat Noir." Plagg suggested and Adrien smirked. "Well... Yeah, good idea Plagg." Adrien said and gave his kwami a wheel of camembert. "I did this for the cheese, kid. Not to help you." Plagg snickered and disappeared in the bag again. Adrien chuckled and shook his head. He walked to class.

Everyone sat in class paying attention to Miss Bustier when suddenly Marinette noticed that Chloe her seat was empty. She raised her hand and Miss Bustier nodded at her. "I'm sorry, but where is Chloe?" Marinette asked and miss Bustier pointed at the door; "Something with her father and mr Damocles. They are in his office." She answered and Marinette nodded. "Why do you even care?" Alya whispered in the bluenttes air and smirked. Marinette shrugged as respond and payed attention again.

Chloe and her father were discussing something with mr Damocles in his office when suddenly a knock was heard on the door. They all turned to the door as a girl with orange hair and glasses peaked inside. "Oh, hey Sabrina." Chloe waved at Sabrina and she smiled back. Then she turned at mr Damocles and fixed her voice "I'm sorry for disturbing, but miss Bustier needs your help." She said and he nodded. "Something about computers." She added and Andre stood up from his chair. "I can help you, I'm really good with computers." Andre said to mr Damocles and he nodded, they just wanted to leave but Chloe stopped them. "But daddy- what about me?" She whimpered and her father smiled nervous. "Just two minutes, princess. Stay here we are be right back." Andre said and left the room with Damocles. Sabrina just wanted to leave but Chloe also stopped her. "Wait, you're staying." Chloe demanded her and Sabrina nodded. She walked to the other side of the desk and sat on the chair. "Hey there, I'm Damocles. And I think that I'm a superhero, even better than Ladybug and Chat Noir." Sabrina mocked mr Damocles with a low voice and Chloe laughed hard. She put her elbows on the desk and let her head rest in it making the computer on the desk moving a bit. "Sabrina, watch out what you're doing." Chloe said looking up from her phone. Sabrina quickly nodded and stood up from the chair. Her leg touched the desk again and the computer fell on the ground. Chloe and Sabrina looked with horror in their eyes at each other. "Sabrina, look what you did!" Chloe screamed and ran to the broken computer, the screen was in pieces. She took some of the biggest pieces in her hand and glared at Sabrina. Suddenly the door went open, they looked at the door and there were Andre Bourgeois and mr Damocles. They stopped talking when they saw Chloe standing by the broken computer with some pieces in her hand. "C-Chloe, princess? What did you do?" Andre asked and ran to his daughter. "I...I" She couldn't answer. "Do you seriously think I'd do such thing?" She asked and glared mad at her father. "Chloe, leave. NOW!" Damocles screamed and ran to his computer. "Don't you dare to talk to my princess like that!" Andre said and Damocles rolled his eyes. "AND YOU TOO! LEAVE! ALL OF YOU LEAVE NOW!" He screamed and Andre startled from his reaction. They all left the office and outside the office Sabrina walked to Chloe but she walked away. "Chloe, I'm sorry?!" Sabrina said and Chloe rolled her eyes. "It's always me, they always blame me." She grumbled to herself and left school.

Suddenly she heard a voice talking to her. "Blamer, I'm Hawk Moth. I give you the power to transform in whoever you want, you can cause them problems and nobody will blame you anymore! But in return you give me the miraculouses of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Do we have a deal?" Hawk Moth asked and Chloe smirked.

"As you wish, Hawk Moth."


So guys...

I just wanted to say that the chapters are coming, I just need a little more time. Life has been so hectic lately...

They are coming! You just wait ;).

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