Chapter 20

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wanna know something? adrien has five stripes on his t-shirt not three x you're welcome :D

Marinette was on her way to Alya, Gorilla, Adrien his bodyguard offered her a ride but she declined. She needed some fresh air to think about everything. She took Tikki with her, you never know. She flew out her pocket and looked at Marinette.

"Marinette, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Tikki, thank you."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Go on."

"Why did you reject Adrien?"

Marinette sighed, she knew this question was coming. Especially from her kwami. She wasn't sure, was it because she was mad? Was she even mad? She didn't really know how to act towards Adrien. She just needs this Kat, who always helped her and gave her advice. She needs Chat Noir, he could help her, like he always does.

"Where are you Chat... I need you."

"I'm here, princess."

Marinette turned abruptly around to reveal Chat Noir smirking at her. She looked shocked as he walked closer to her. He kissed her hand and smiled at her.


"C-Chat Noir, hey... You're actually here."

"You called for me, here am I."

"Serious? Isn't this just coincidence."

"Okay, yes. I was wandering around because I'm bored. Then I saw you here walking so I sneaked up on you."

"You sneaky cat."

"So... Why did you need me? I heard you talking to yourself."

"I-I just needed a hug."

Chat was kinda shocked, so she wants a hug from Chat but not from Adrien? He didn't understand any of this, and he had to ask.

"Are you okay? I mean, did something happen between you and Adrien?"

"He probably thinks I'm the same as Chloe."

"Why would he think that? You did nothing wrong."

(A/N: Hey sista, I came to take you back to Africa."

"That's what you think. I was kinda harsh to him and..."

"And? If you don't wanna tell me that's okay."

"No it's okay, after I explained him why I was avoiding him he asked me to hug me and I kinda rejected him..."

"Why? You two are friends right? It's normal for friends to hug each other."

"I feel like I'm a stranger to him... I just don't really know how to act around him. He's really kind and the sweetest boy I know but I'm just the problem because I-"

Marinette was interrupted by a pair of lips gently pressed on hers. The lips were really soft and so was the kiss. It took her a moment to realise that Chat Noir was kissing her.
But before she could kiss back Chat already had pulled back.

happy now? y'all got the kiss! and no it's not an adrienette kiss but i warned you, this is adrienette AND marichat.


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