Chapter 9

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"Alya!" Marinette mentioned her best friends name and Alya looked up from her phone. She walked enthusiastically to Marinette and smiled wide.

"Girl, you need to see this!" Alya said and handed Marinette her phone. It was a video of Chat Noir hopping in the Agreste Mansion. "Girl. Someone spotted Chat Noir in there last night!" Alya said and swiped through her ladyblog. Marinette felt her cheeks turning slightly pink as she replayed the video.

She knew why he was there. Only Alya didn't know anything about it. Marinette sighed and handed Alya her phone back. "Well... There's something you don't know." Marinette began and looked at the smirking girl in front of her. "What is it?" She asked and smiled, Marinette sighed again and smiled nervously.

"Well, I maybe am the reason why Chat Noir was there." Marinette smiled nervously and played with her hair. "What do you mean? Did he visit you? CHAT NOIR VISITED YOU?" The last sentence came out really loud and Marinette covered Alya her mouth to shut her up.

"Sst, Alya! What if
someone hears us?" Marinette asked and Alya nodded. "Yeah I'm sorry, but girl! So he visited you?" Alya asked again and Marinette smiled again. "Yes he did. And he is amazing! We talked about everything and he helped me. I even told him about my feelings for Adrien." The bluenette cheered happy and blushed as she thought about yesterday evening.

"And what was his reaction?" Alya asked and Marinettes smile dropped. "He did a little weird, actually. He also told me that it's better to confess to Adrien and not Chloe." She answered and a smile appeared on her lips and a blush on her cheeks. "And I did that! I confessed to Adrien and it went better than I thought!" She said and cheered again. "Girl, oh my gosh! And what did he say?" Alya asked hopefully and smiled wide. "He said that he liked me back. But Chat Noir is so smart. Without him I'd never have confessed to Adrien." Marinette sighed dreamily and covered her cheeks in her hands.

"Also, we almost kissed." Marinette whispered and Alya looked shocked. "You and Adrien almost kissed?" She asked unbelievable and Marinette shook quickly her head and frowned "No, Chat Noir And I." She corrected her and Alya nodded slowly. She fixed her voice and brought her fingers to her chin to think.

"Marinette, are you sure you're in love with Adrien?" She asked seriously and Marinette nodded with a quick smile. "You know that Alya." She answered and poked playfully in her shoulder while chuckling. "No feelings for Chat maybe?" She asked and Marinette laughed hard. "Do you think I'm in love with Chat Noir?" The bluenette looked amused and Alya did a facepalm.

"Well, what you just told me gives me different intentions girl." Alya added and Marinettes smile dropped and her face changed in an unreadable expression. "Think about it. I'm going to the bathroom." Alya patted her best friends shoulder and left. Leaving a really confused Marinette alone.

"One visit can't make me fall in love, right?" She asked herself and sighed. "Maybe Alya is right..." she said and looked at her feet. Tikki flew out her pocket to face her holder.
"Marinette, everything's gonna be okay." Tikki said and hugged the bluenette's cheek.

"Thank you Tikki. But hide, what if someone sees you?" She smiled and Tikki smiled back and nodded. She quickly disappeared in the pocket again. She looked up revealing Adrien walking in her direction. Her eyes widened and she looked quickly around.

"Crap, I need to hide too." She said and ran away to the bathroom.

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