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"Get all able and willing wolves up and ready." I pushed into the hive of thirty five minds. "We will be starting training within the next thirty minutes. Women are more than welcome to join, should they wish to become stronger or only keep fit. Relay this message to the rest."

This was going to be a pain. With the pack split into those wanting to leave, those still deciding and the ones that had already declared me as their Alpha.

Reaching the training grounds, I watched as approximately a hundred people showed up. Out of all, five were female.

I looked to the Gamma.

"Where is Ferdinand?" I thought towards him.

"Still in a comatose state, Alpha." he spoke out loud.

"Very well. Relay this message to the rest, I would prefer to rest my voice."

He nodded and spoke every word I thought to him so that the entire pack would hear.

"Please bare with me, as this cut has once severed my vocal chords and my voice does strain from time to time." his head snapped to the scar I was pointing to before he quickly diverted his gaze. "I will speak through the Gamma or Delta males if needed. We will start with some stretching before taking a ten mile run around the pack. Afterwards we will do some basic cardio and then switch to sparring. I will personally assess you and then process you into a class. Class A will be our strongest wolves down to Class E. This does not necessarily mean that should you be Class E that this will be cour class forever or that this will be where you belong in the pack. Over the course of this week I will personally guide you, strength and endurance wise to where you. The second week I will allow five members to become the leaders of the Classes so that you may continue training and I can begin the second procession. Each day I will take several pack members with me to write a placement test. This test is designed to assess where you will most likely succeed best. Saying this, some omegas will become warriors, healers, cooks, trackers and all else. While all else might be demoted or switched around.

"Just because your family has been a hunting family for generations, does not mean that you are suited for this type of route in your life. The third and fourth week I will allow you to fall into your new places and afterwards I will assess and reprocess you should it be needed. As for today, if at any given time you wish for a rest, speak loud and clear. I will only be lenient for this one day. Should you feel need to better yourselves and wish for my assistance, feel free to ask. I have enough experience, I can assure you."

I cleared my throat after a minute of silence. "Let us proceed." I hollored over the crowd.

"Make sure to have two people at the back in order to make sure no-one falls behind." I thought to the members under my protection in attendance here. Two young warriors nodded and fell behind to the back.

I took off at a steady pace and heard them follow.

I was satisfied by the fact that none of them fell behind or called for a stop. We stopped at a large clearing and I waited for everyone to gather around. I reached out towards the Gamma's mind once more and pushed forward my thoughts for him to say.

"Good, so far you all seem somewhat in shape." they looked pleased with themselves. It was a wolf thing after all to seek your Alpha's approval.

"Now, one hundred sit ups, then another hundred push ups followed by a hundred and fifty squats. After that we will do some light yoga and then I will devide you into groups for sparring. Let us begin."

I went down with them and made sure to get my own amount in. I was in much better shape than others, after all. I was asked once in a while by two females and a male to slow down, and I allowed them to, calling the entire number of seventy six to halt while I finished my own seperate sets of sit ups and push ups. When I reached the squats, I picked up a nicely sized boulder. As I squatted down, I stretched my arms out and held onto the boulder out in front of me. I held a squatted position for ten seconds before pulling the boulder back in and stretching back up into a full standing position. By the twelfth time I noticed the pack following my lead and picking up boulders.

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now