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"Ready, boy?" I asked out loud, looking at the young warrior. He nodded.

"Ready, Little doll?" I asked the girl. She nervously licked her lips. "Remember, only at the very last moment." I thought to her. "Though he is lacking, he has more training than you and will pick up on your intent. Look him straight in the eye as you charge."

She nodded, breathing in and out once.


I watched as it unfolded in slow motion for me. The girl charged right at the warrior this time, surprising some with her sudden confidence. They came within a touching distance of one another and suddenly she dove, taking the warrior by surprise. She pushed her small body with force into his shins, diving as she went, and the Goliath that she faced came crashing to the ground. She recovered fast and sprinted to the edge of the ring. I stepped in. I could see eyes around the ring bulging at the sight of a small and untrained omega girl still standing while an experienced wolf lay sprawled on the ground.

"Stay down for a moment, boy. Regain your composure while I speak." I instructed him. "As you have seen, with simple encouragement and correct instruction, even an omega female can be of value during an attack. Instead of freezing up, she headed straight towards her objective and took down an opponent in the process. Should she have been headed towards a bunker for safety, she would have either been able to buy herself time to get away, or help warriors nearby take down an enemy faster. In total, our pack has three hundred and seventy three omegas, eighty five warriors, sixty seven trackers, forty cooks, forty two punisher wolves, twenty nine patrol wolves and eighteen of Delta rank and higher."

I took a moment to let that sink in with them. "In conclusion, our omegas and cooks are more than our trained pack members. How do you think a battle would fair if the omegas and cooks could take down some attackers while running for cover?"

I cleared my throat in annoyance of the rasp that became more and more prominent.

"If two were to take him on simultaneously, and they worked fast enough, they would be able to take him down and cuff him with silver before he could realise what has happened. Three would be even better. If you take into account all the omegas and cooks working together, within a minute you might have around a hundred and twenty, give or take, enemies brought down in under a minute without too much carnage."

I cleared my throat again, seeing understanding dawn on them. I nodded towards the Gamma and Delta males.

"I will be heading off to start with the transfer papers. The Gamma and Delta will be splitting you up into pairs so that you may practice what I have shown you. Within an hour you will change partners so that you may have a stronger or faster opponent. After another hour you may leave. Be ready at six tomorrow morning, should you feel willing to have a harder training regiment."

I left them and headed for the Alpha house. A brisque shower washed away sweat and dirt. Dressing quickly, I headed towards the study where I knew the papers would lay waiting. The stack waiting for me was surprisingly smaller than I had initially expected it to be. Sitting down I started deviding the papers between the packs they were requesting to join. I then proceded to pull the file that contained everything needed to know about the pack members, including copies of ID's and passports. I set everything together as needed and dialed the first Alpha on the list.

The phone was still ringing when my own cellphone started ringing. I frowned when I recognized the Russian area code. I put the land line down and picked up my cellphone.

"Featherstone speaking."

"Vicky!" I growled at the annoying nickname that one person refused to drop.

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now