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Victoria Featherstone

I woke up lazily, stretched over a branch in the deepest part of the forestry. Once again finding myself naked and somewhat drenched in dried blood I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of my kill.

It had been bloody glorious.

The feeling of fullness convinced me that I had truly eaten enough to keep my stomach satisfied for quite some time.

I looked down to see what had woken me, finding the eyes of several wolves cautiously watching me. I gave them a lazy smirk before turning my head and resting it on one arm.

"Is there something you need?" I asked as I eyed them with one eye closed.

"We would like an explanation, Vicky."

I sighed and turned my head towards his large russet colored wolf.

"Very well. Let me just..."

I stretched out and twisted my body before flipping down from the branch.

"Follow me."

I lifted my nose into the air and inhaled deeply. Pointing a finger to the right I turned and smirked.

"This way."

"Is she going to stay naked?" One male asked.

"Yeah, it's not anything new to see her naked and covered in blood."

"Yeah, what's with that?"

"My lady quite enjoys the thrill of the hunt. Enough so to leave carnage behind and blood over her. Think of it as a ritual." The tall frame appeared to my left, with his ivory skin, sleeked back blue hair and knowing red eyes behind his prestigious rectangular glasses. The suit he wore was the same color as his hair and seemed just as prestine. But the things that mostly caught everyone's eyes, we're the horns, about an inch thick and five inches long curving forward from his hair, and the thick scaled tail that seemed to have a mind of its own as it lulled back and forth.

"There you are, Zhou." I stepped towards him. "Open the gates."

"My lady, I must protest! You cannot bring these..."

"I can and I will. Now open them."

"Master will not be pleased..." he grumbled to himself.

"Have I ever given two thoughts as to how your master feels in regards to what I do?"

He shook his head before walking over to where the gate was hidden.

"Oh, wait!" I smirked. "I don't have to tell or show you jack shit."

They stalled as I winked at Zhou who bowed and ran off.

"I'll be going home now. Let me know when the next gathering is."


Walking through the streets of the latest town we were travelling through, I couldn't help but to savor the life of the festival around us. Brushing against another overly drunk human female, I smirked knowingly as their lust filled the air.

As a werewolf I was good looking like most of my kind. And unashamedly I would admit with great pride that I used this to my advantage as much as I want.

"Arc, over this way."

I pushed the human away gently and followed my group of friends towards a beer stand more towards the edge of the festivities. Ordering a beer I looked over the crowd for a next potential lay. Nothing caught my eye, but that never bothered me. The night was yet to make an appearance.

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now