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Victoria Featherstone

"Oh, before I go..." The witch said as she pulled out a strange glowing orb. "Lord Noctis wanted to send you this."

She threw the rather large orb and I caught it. It dissolved into a large bowl. I sniffed at the contents and smirked.

'If anyone needs me, I'll be at my house.' I linked William who had just arrived back. He nodded as I strode past them.

He relayed the message just when I got out of what they thought to be my earshot.

"What is that?" I heard the Queen ask.

"I smell milk, sugar and cinnamon." I heard the brute that was named Archelaus say.

I could hear them perfectly, due to the fact that I had better hearing and could tap into any link I wanted. I sat down on the porch and started eating the one thing that The Lord Nyx knew I could never resist, sago pudding with custard and Malva pudding layered in several layers within the bowl. I continued to eat merrily, mentally keeping an eye on the visitors through the pack link.

I was about to stuff another spoonful in my mouth when my hand froze mid-way. It was not that something was distracting me or keeping me from eating further, my body just froze of its own accord. I could not move my hand, nor any other part of my body. My first thought was...

'That lying little witch cunt.'

I started feeling my blood stop as well.

'Bring me thistle grass, black pepper, honey, maple leaves, pine needles and a half grey mushroom.' I sent through the pack link.

'Yes Alpha!' It sounded like a chorus as they said it. Soon enough they came running with all of the visitors and other supernaturals with them. They gaped at my frozen form where I sat.


'I've been poisoned by a toxin that effects muscles first before moving to internal organs. I need you to stay calm and follow my instructions to the last detail.' I couldn't control who I was talking to with the toxin slowly entering my brain.

'First, get the black pot hanging by the skins that are drying. Then take wood from the pile with the darkest redwood. Stoke the fire with that wood only. Look in my kitchen cupboard for a bottle labeled elder oil. Fry sixteen half grey mushrooms, a cup of thistle grass, two and a half cups of pine needles and a quarter cup black pepper together. You have to keep stirring otherwise it won't work. Pour in half of the bottle of elder oil in and wait for a minute for the oil to warm. When it is done, you have to take a silver scalpel and cut open my back right on the ridge of my spinal chord. Push the mixture into the wound as quickly as possible and then seal it by smearing honey on the maple leaves and placing it on the wound.'

I could see their horrified expressions as they stared at me. It was obvious that I'd unknowingly tapped into all the midlinks around me. They didn't move.

'God damnit, hop to it before my heart stops!'

I pushed all the authority I could muster into my thoughts and watched as they scrambled to do as I had explained. I could feel my mind slowly shutting down. My consciousness was toying with me as I sat, waning back and forth before it finally slipped just as they started frying everything together.

I woke up groggy, barely registering what was going on around me. My body felt strange. The sound of beeping drew my attention towards a strange machine that was to my right. I could barely make out voices as they spoke and forced my eyes open. The room was lined with silver and white walls that housed cables and buttons on every wall. The beeping machine stood on my right and on my left was what seemed to be a rather large computer with a touch screen.

I found then that I was not lying down, instead I was standing up, strapped to a metal surface with something that seemed to weaken me.

"Hello?" I called out as I looked around. My eyes were somewhat blurry and I could barely make out the figures in front of me. I sniffed the air, only to notice that my sense of smell was dulled as well.

"Hello? Where am I?"

The blurry figures came closer and I could barely make out the surgical masks and white clothing. I could only make out their eyes that were filled with emptiness.

They looked at me for a moment before one of them brought a syringe closer. The contents of the syringe were a glorious blue that caught the light in a luminous glaze. I stared at it in utter horror as they drew closer and closer.

"W-what is that?" I asked, trying to pull away. The restraints were steadfast and seemed unbreakable. "What are... What are you doing?"

The syringe neared my arm.

"No... No, don't do this..."

It pressed into a vein and I watched as the liquid disappeared into my arm. The liquid was cold enough to make me squirm for a moment before it heated to my body's temperature. The one who had injected me pressed cotton to my arm before taping it into place. I frowned at him as the other clicked the button of a stopwatch.

"Ten seconds in, no change." he commented with a dull voice.

"Why am I here?" I tried again.

"Could you shut up?" asked the one with the stopwatch.

I frowned at him this time.

"Twenty seconds, no change."

"Why am I here?" I asked again with slight irritation in my voice.

The one who had injected me gave me a look before picking up a clipboard and scribbling on it as the seconds tick by. I could feel my teeth elongating slightly, pressing into my lips.

"What did you inject me with?" I growled out.

"Thirty seven seconds in, subject displays mild aggravation. Teeth elongating and eyes shimmering with slight gold."

I growled at him again, but he seemed as unfazed as ever.

"What was in that..."

A slow burn in my veins stopped me and I stared down at my arm. My skin became a strange blue around the cotton before my veins began showing pitch black beneath my skin.

"WHAT..." I choked as a growl involuntarily ripped from my throat, tearing the sentence I was forming from my lips.

The burn pushed into my veins like a hot iron into a newly branded bull. My eyes buldged when the burn became a fiery blaze that coursed through my body in an inevitable inferno. The veins on my body stood out as if they were drawn onto my skin. My eyes shot open when it reached my heart. My heart felt like it was shriveling up from within.

The sudden surge of energy that coursed through me threw my body forward against the restraints.

My body was at this moment no longer mine to control.


Somehow this chapter became a draft.......

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now