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Illarion Ivanov

We were gathered around, hearing Helms telling of a white rogue wolf who had brought medicine to his people that somehow miraculously drew silver poisoning right out of his body.

"Dearest..." I heard my mother as she took my father by the arm. "Where are all the caterers?"

"I have no idea. The food has been delayed for quite a time, hasn't it."

I lifted a brow, but concentrated my attention to the tall tale that Helms was spinning.

"It was as tall as a front door and covered in scars like a battle hardened war horse. It carried no scent and allowed no-one close. So we're not sure about the gender. It left a package right at my bed according to my sister. Then it just walked out of the territory like it was the most natural thing to do."

Ian stepped in. "You all better go check on your mates. All, and I mean all, of the females are basically throwing themselves at the white haired female."

"Are you sure?" my father asked with the constant spark of interest his eyes held whenever the white haired female was mentioned.

"She seems to bewitch them, my King."

"Let's go see then. We wouldn't want her to bewitch them too much now."

My father once again very nonchalantly forced us to follow. He had used his influence in his voice to convince every male around him that it was necessary for every single one to see what was going on.

I sighed, knowing that looking in her eyes once again will just reassure me that she is the only female that could ever grab my attention besides my mate. That, and I will once again see that I have absolutely no affect on her. How or why she was able to ignore the bond, however insignificant it could be against a true mating bond, was beyond any logic. For males it was possible to a degree to tone down the affects, but to completely ignore it?

I watched as the room cleared and sighed before following along after them. We came to where the enormous kitchen was and like every other male I gaped at the sight. She sat there, surrounded by females practically rubbing themselves over her.

"No!" a female whined as she pushed another plate of food towards Victoria. "She needs more beef to help keep her body strong."

"I say she needs more greens. They will keep her..."

"No! I said beef!"


She smirked as she grabbed both plates and stuffed it down her throat as a third plate was held out towards her.

"Some dessert is always a good thing." a third girl intervened.

I watched as a fourth girl wrapped her arms around Victoria.

"What she needs is a mate!" this one shrieked.

The heads of several females snapped towards her before they suddenly pushed at one another to get to her.

"Stop!" my father commanded. "Step away from the Alpha."

Several male heads snapped towards my father in shock while the females scattered.

"Step outside, Victoria."

This time my mother seemed taken aback at this. Only now did I feel my Father's slight agitation. What in the name of the Gods had my father this agitated?

"Only because you used my name right."

She stood up and sauntered out like a cat that got the cream.

Outside I was even more astonished at my father's sudden change of mood. He acted as if she were a threat.

Circling her I could see that his animal was surfacing.

"Show yourself!" he commanded.

"I'm right here." She replied with amusement.

"Show yourself, Wolf!"

She stilled for a mere moment, her smile freezing before falling from her face. "I would advise against you using your title to force a shift from me."

His face was red in anger, his eyes slitted slightly and black as coal. He was close to shifting himself.


"Step down, Vladimir." molten gold bled into her eyes, displaying her displeased wolf.

I could sense her displeasure at having to show herself. It seemed to me that the wolf preferred the human to be in control. I felt a strange excitement building.

"SHIFT!" he retorted, his face taking on more and more of his wolf traits, his hands turning to claws and his body enlarging slightly.

"Having me shift is not something that you would enjoy." her voice was thick now, gruff and low. Her wolf was speaking through her.

I watched my father take a deep breath, his nose flaring with the intake. His chest swelled with breath. And then he let it out. His roar deafened me and pushed everyone in the area into submission. All except for her.

She seemed to watch him carefully, her eyes displaying a murderous light. I felt unsettled at the sight.

When the echoes of my father's roar settled down the most unsettling thing happened. Her eyes glowed in their sockets eerily and her teeth grew even more, pushing her lips apart. Thick canines threatened to tear her lips apart. Her body grew to double its size, then three times, then four, five, six times. At near twenty feet she stood upright, her muscles bulging out while bones snapped in and out of place. Her face morphed strangely and settled into a large muzzle. Her shoulders broadened and her arms lengthened. Her hands stayed hands with long nails protruding from their beds. Her legs bent strangely, like that of a beast and her feet became large and almost paw-like.

She's not a werewolf. The thought shot through my mind like lightning.

She took a step towards my father and he took one back.

"The next time you force me to shift, Vladimir," her voice was even thicker, sending shivers throughout my body. "I will remove your head without a second thought."

Pure terror filled the air around us and I found myself frozen stiff.

The change back took a split second.

"Great. Now I'm starving again."

She moved towards the wooded area before pausing for a moment. She turned back towards my father.

"Just so that we are on the same page."

Breathing in her eyes turned gold again. She let the breath out with a magnificent roar of her own. My father turned to his beast and the beast crouched down, showing its neck submissively.

The same happened to the rest of the gathered wolves. Even I found myself unexpectedly bowing to her.

One question came to mind as she entered the forestry...

Did I just witness a lycan?

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now