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The smile on his lips remained as he watched her do as she was told to do. The contract between the Alpha and his sister forced the Alpha into battle once more.

It had been close, but yet again she prevailed.

It was saddening to know that he had turned her into this breathtaking killing machine, yet his sister once again monopolized his most powerful pawn. Watching her he decided to regroup and start over with his strategies.

It was hard to admit, but the fact that she deterred his every attempt was beginning to impress him more and more.

"She won again?" he heard the young Hestia, the witch he had sent with the group.

"It seems so." Kahl answered.

"Damnit. I thought it would at least last long enough until they arrived."

"Do not worry." He spoke. "We will try again."

He stepped closer to the screen that vividly showed the battlefield, waving his hand over the scene.

"Let's see what the devoted King and council has to say."


Vladimir Ivanov

Outside the bunker, flanked by those who could stomach it, we stared at the carnage of mauled and shredded bodies. Limbs were thrown around the bunker to as far as the eye could see where the tree line began. I turned my head slightly as I stepped forward, my foot sinking ankle deep into a puddle of crimson. The stench of animal and death was overwhelming in the air. From behind me I heard the murmurs of Alphas and Council members as they too stared at the area.

I tried to sniff her scent, but it was too faint beneath the stench of death. We walked among the corpses, some of those who had joined quickly retreated to the bunkers once more. The group grew thinner and thinner as the battlefield became more and more centered around one lone figure further from the town and where they had been.

She was on her knees, her head upturned towards the sky. Her body, naked from the force of shift tearing her clothing, was coated in both their blood and her own. From where we stood, near calf deep in carnage, barely holding the contents of our stomachs in, she seemed desolate. I took a step closer, when my eyes widened at the impact. Raw power, not her own, had me on my knees instantly.

I could hear it, touch it, even smell it...

I forced my head up, only for it to be forced down once more. The soft whisper of Victoria's voice was barely audible in my ears.

She was speaking in a language that I did not recognize. I turned my head to barely see her, watching as she took a bowl with more blood and poured a circle around her. Her barely audible voice became a chanting of sorts as she continued by taking more of the blood and drawing symbols on flat rocks before placing them around her.

I was dragged out by the feet, my head barely held high enough to avoid the carnage around me. I could finally stand... I could finally breathe again. We were many who watched her silently. The other males could not even try to enter near her, the force of power surrounding her working as a repellent for those weaker than I. Illarion and Sergei were barely able to get their hands in to pull me out.

After placing the flat rocks in the positions she needed them to be it seemed as though she had a beaded necklace stringed around her neck. Upon closer inspection I could see that those were no beads, the were small pieces of flesh hanging proudly around her neck and over her torso.

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now