Little note from me

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Hey guys.

Hope you are all well.

So after some years (yes, years) I have noticed every now and again a comment on Vicky's look near the end of chapter one. I thought I would share my own thoughts on this with you guys.

Firstly, power to you who accepted her for what she looks like and even revelled with me in the difference between Vicky and your normal main girl. Honestly, nothing against a normal/ugly-duckling-turns-to-a-swan/extremely beautiful at first sight mains, but society is what it is.

I chose Vicky's look for one reason only: I love her for the way she is, and I feel she is the embodiment of the confidence every girl/woman/boy/man needs. No specific target here because society places before us an image of what is "acceptable" and "beautiful".

The exact look does vary from country to country and region to region, which gives us the sense of diversity.

But let's face it.

No-one is perfect. *Looking at you asshole* (jk. Accept me for what I am, someone who will tease people for my own amusement. Which is wrong, I know. But it's something I picked up after my own societal experience.)

My aim for the story was mostly to inspire confidence in myself that I lacked at the time of first writing this, but you gratified me by accepting my character and all that she was. It piqued my interest and made me realise how much of an impact stories have on all of us.

Now, hoping to inspire further confidence in my fellow persons:

I will list what I love about myself and hope that you will join me by doing the same, and of course complimenting yourself and your follow eartlings.

* I love my eyes and the way they change between light blue/steel-ish grey and dark blue.
*I love my double chin (yes, I said it) it took a lot of time and eating to achieve it.
*I love my flabby stomach. I bore two girls and they are my world.
*I love the scars and blemishes and other marks I have enough to still hate make-up.
*I love how short I am. It means I can stand on a kitchen cupboard and dance my ass off when I'm drunk without having to worry about hitting my head on the ceiling.
*I love the gap I have between my teeth. It took me the better part of my childhood and teen years to accept it beyond the bullying of assholes with nothing better to do than praise themselves for bringing someone else down. According to a dentist, two of my teeth at the top never grew out so there is nothing pushing the front teeth together. But who cares. It makes me, me.
*I love that after cutting my hair short, even if it took almost 5 years, my hair is nice, long and half colored blue now.
*I love eating. I don't care how fat I get (until my clothes become tight. I don't wanna buy new clothes. I already have to buy clothes for the kids every few months. That shit is expensive.)

What do you love about yourself?

Looking to hear from you soon.

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now