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Victoria Featherstone

"Have you told me everything, little pet?" I asked, sitting on a chair in the near empty room.

The near gold liquid in the glass swirled before I tipped it back, the taste of whiskey soothing at my irritation.

I had left the fields after clearing the carnage and burning the bodies, telling the wolves from my pack to head straight home and not to fret. The visitors were loitering about, I could pick up the sound of their movements through the thick walls. As always I had forced the wolves to stay away while I was down by the cells.

He spat the blood from his mouth at me.

"Fuck you, Featherstone!"

"I'd rather gulp down a big heaping spoonful of silver."

I picked up the bottle and poured another glass of whiskey, looking at him with a smirk. I stood from the chair, watching as his eyes bulged. I picked up a silver throwing knife from my duffel bag.

"You know..." I took a sip, spinning the knife on the black leather hilt in my hand. "Its quite lucky for me that you're in this form. It's quite easy to toy with you, while you are trapped inside a body that you stole..."

"As if a runt could ever kill me in my true form."

"Kill...?" I gave a short laugh. "No, you have it wrong. My intention is not to kill you. I merely wish to..." my hand around the glass tightened, glass shards shattering and whiskey spilling from its container. I rubbed my hand off on the cloth of my shirt. "Well, you get the image..."

I spun the knife up, grabbing the hilt between two fingers before throwing it right at him, the force pushing the knife into the right side of his back. The sound of silver burning through flesh reminded me of hot oil in a pan. I picked up another knife, watching as he writhed.

"I can't entirely kill you, and you cannot leave your host without certain proceedings. So, here we are at a moot point. How do we proceed from here, you ask?" I twisted the second knife and threw it again, hitting target in his left knee. "I toy with you until I decide to burn your host. I might just do that with you still inside..."

A third knife in hand, I watched as he writhed under my gaze, desperately trying to free himself from the pain that the silver caused as it slowly dissolved into his bloodstream.

"I will ask again... Why is the trickster involved and what was the plan here?"

"Fuck you!"

"Wrong answer."

The third blade drove into his cheek, ripping and burning flesh as it stuck out from the gaping hole it had made.


Dawn had arrived and we were warming up as the visitors finally joined. The new rogues were also rather late, not used to the regime we worked on. I smirked as the taste of distrust reached my tongue. I eyed William and nodded for him to come closer, earning a growl from the wolf named Archelaus. I raised my brow at the male before turning my attention to every wolf before me.

William spoke on my behalf again.

"Good morning. We will follow regime 7 followed by 4 and then 10 today. For those new to the pack, that means basic and light warm up."

A few coughs were heard among the wolves who knew the regimes.

"Followed by sparring and then some hunting. Alpha Victoria will only be lenient today on those not used to our workouts."

Alpha Featherstone (Book 1- Completed. Offline Editing)Where stories live. Discover now