18.3K 1.2K 414

Chanyeol scrolls through his Instagram comments, spotting multiple heart emojis and loving messages directed toward him. He feels a small smile growing on his face, finding all of his fans cute for spending so much time spamming his comment section.

He scrolls past a thread of comments, furrowing his eyebrows when he reads the first comment.

"A gay faggot, huh?" Chanyeol questions to himself, reading the replies and mentally patting himself on the back when he sees how many people went to defend him. He snorts as the hater comments multiple other degrading words, clicking on their profile and laughing full out when he realizes that this 'eatmybyuns' account was definitely an account made specifically for spreading hate.

There were only three posts; the two most recent ones being some generic scenery while the first post was of the girl's—boy's?—hand, showing a middle finger. Chanyeol clicks on the post and stares unnecessarily long at the picture, having caught his attention on the mole situated on the person's thumb, before continuing to read the caption.

Add me on Line to be added to a p**k ch***y*** hate gc, same u/n.

He wonders how this person hasn't been reported yet, but exits Instagram anyway and clicks on the green icon for Line. It was probably curiosity's fault that Chanyeol decided to do something stupid—add eatmybyuns—but he figures that it wouldn't hurt anybody. They will never find out who he is—he'll never let them—and after all, he's only doing this because he wants to improve as an idol (yeah right). In this way, he can figure out his weak points (another excuse), improve, and rise in the idol world.

But, mostly, it's out of curiosity.

Chanyeol finishes making his new and fake account, searching up the username that he managed to remember easily. He pauses for another second and contemplates whether or not he really wants to know why people hate him, before finalizing that yes, he definitely wants to know. He has an excuse anyway, if his managers or anyone else found out. He's a young idol wanting to improve himself, and what better way than to connect with fans?

Regardless, Chanyeol knows that no one will find out about this anyway, pressing on the little 'add friend' button.

Smirking, Chanyeol wonders just how much fun he can have with eatmybyuns.

kakao talk is overrated.

lol anyway hope you enjoy this, it's a happy 4K followers random book that i decided to publish

chapters will be short, which means updates will be more frequent (not at the beginning tho since i'm still planning for this story)

i'll try to update Want You Back sometime soon :)

P-Nut oot.

His Biggest HaterWhere stories live. Discover now