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Back then, Chanyeol didn't expect Baekhyun to confess to him like that. Not only did he believe that Baekhyun liked girls, he also believed that his own love for his friend was unrequited and weird.

He regrets it to this day; rejecting Baekhyun like that... but at that time it seemed to be the only sane thing to do.

He didn't know what he felt and he knew his family's standing on people like him so it didn't help much that if things actually did work out, it would have to be long distance anyway (considering the fact that he was leaving soon).

He wishes he wasn't so scared back then.

"Did you hear?" Mr. Park questions, shoving a spoon of rice into his mouth as he speaks. "Our neighbour's son is gay."

Chanyeol freezes when he hears his dad say this, looking up from his food with an unreadable stare.

The high-schooler doesn't know how his dad found this information, but thinking about rumours and news spreading about Baekhyun through his neighbourhood—by his parents, nonetheless—made him feel sick.

"Are you serious?" Mrs. Park asks, her perfect eyebrows raising.

"Yes," he confirms. Chanyeol's grip on his spoon tightens. "Poor family. Supposedly they're bringing Tao to church every Sundays now and getting him some counselling."

Chanyeol blinks when he hears a name other than Baekhyun, his shoulders slumping a little as the tense feeling leaves him momentarily. It was only yesterday that Baekhyun confessed to him, and to say that he was shocked is an understatement. He couldn't believe his ears, for one, and his heart was beating way too quickly for him to think properly.

He meets gazes with Yoora across the table and she gives Chanyeol a look that obviously says: "I can't believe Tao is gay!" and Chanyeol doesn't answer to that in any way.

It's not Baekhyun, but Chanyeol still feels bad for Tao. He talks to him every now and then and he seems like a nice guy. His parents probably watch him like a hawk now.

Chanyeol puts his spoon down, appetite leaving him entirely.

He wonders what would happen if his own parents found out about his sexuality. Would they lock him up? Send him to a therapist? Prescribe anti-gay meds? Do those even exist?

They probably wouldn't let him bring Baekhyun over anymore. Think that he's being too gay with his best friend.

"Say... Doesn't Baekhyun kind of give you that vibe too?" his mom asks. This time, Chanyeol thinks he's going to break skin with how his nails dig into his palm. "He's always staring at Chanyeol like he loves him or something," she laughs a little, "It's like he thinks Chanyeol's his girlfriend!"

Chanyeol doesn't hate his mom. No, she's kind and understanding on most days. But right now, he's leaning a little toward the feeling of hate.

His dad is staring at him. Chanyeol knows that he's waiting for him to reply with some denial that Baekhyun likes guys, but Chanyeol can't say anything. He doesn't know what to say so his eyes only stay glued to his food.

"No way," Yoora cuts in, and Chanyeol's never been more thankful for Yoora, even with her stupid crushes. "Baekhyun definitely likes girls. I've seen him stare at some before and trust me, he's straight."

When Chanyeol looks up again, Yoora winks at him and Chanyeol only rolls his eyes.

Yoora didn't say that to help him.

When the Park parents have cleaned up and went upstairs, it's only Chanyeol and Yoora left at the table.

"Is Baekhyun coming over today?" she questions and Chanyeol shakes his head. "Aw, are you serious? I was planning to make some cookies for him."

Chanyeol smiles drily. "Yeah, he likes your cookies the best."

"Bring him over more!" Yoora orders, "I miss him already."

"God, why did I have to have you as my sister," Chanyeol mutters under his breath. Yoora punches him in the shoulder and Chanyeol laughs, feeling only a little better.

"Hey, you know you love me."

"Yeah, yeah."

And it's true.

He does love Yoora a lot—

Which is why this is so hard.

lol oops i didn't update yesterday either. don't worry it's weekend time

i do have like a shit ton of homework but that's a-okaY time management is kEY

Ehe my crush is so cute diD you know he actually uses exclamation points it's rlly adorable like... I said that I don't like history much and he was like I love history! It's so fun and I was like you precious child and i asked him if he wanted to be on the yearbook badminton page and he was like Yes but wait for me to have my jersey! Please because we were joking about how he was the only one without a jersey and he stood out from everyone, when I was taking pics of him for the yearbook page

why is he like this honestly he's a kid help

enough rambling bout my crush. i hope u had a gr8 day and uh yeah have a nice night i may update again but don't count on it

P-Nut oot.

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