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"Chanyeol, I don't appreciate the fact that you're literally pulling me away after all of my chemistry classes—"

"Just—come with me. I'll even feed you," Chanyeol offers and Baekhyun glares at him, knowing fully well that the taller's waiting for him to take the bait.

"How about... no."

Chanyeol groans and promptly grabs his hand, the brunet opening his mouth to protest before he realizes that it's probably the tenth time that Chanyeol's tried. He has sympathy for the idiot so he simply sighs and allows himself to be dragged along this time, pouting as he's pulled to the education wing.

When Chanyeol stops, it's at a study room in the middle of nowhere—Baekhyun doesn't even know if he's been here before, because he didn't have much interest in teaching so his classes aren't here.

Chanyeol specifically chooses the fourth room and Baekhyun wonders if it's on purpose (because his favourite number is 4) and when he pulls the door open, Baekhyun finally sees Sehun sitting on the chair inside. He wonders how he didn't notice him before they went in, since all of the study rooms at his University have glass windows and this room's blinds are currently drawn up.

Each one of the rooms sport the same wooden table and bright green chairs, a TV displayed at the end for presentations if needed. On this specific table, there's a ton of food laid out and Baekhyun guffaws, wondering how they got all of this in without being stared at like some crazies.

Sehun swallows the apparent bite of sandwhich in his mouth and sets it down, speaking up. "I guess I'll just be in the room over." He grabs another drink and a box of fried chicken before sliding his feet off the table, leaving the room to the two of them.

When Baekhyun's nudged inside, Chanyeol closes the door behind them and grabs the little remote on the table, clicking on a button to shut the blinds.

The two of them hear the telltale click which indicates that the blinds register the command and start to fall slowly. Baekhyun and Chanyeol both watch this happen but the moment they're both about to take their attention away, they see someone walking past the room. That someone stares inside for a split second before double taking when they spot Baekhyun, and nearly dying when they see Chanyeol.

"Oh shit," Baekhyun mumbles when he sees Jongdae basically attach himself to the glass, his hands splayed as the material keeps lowering. He's speaking but the rooms are soundproof so Baekhyun just gives him a sheepish smile when Jongdae looks as if he's screaming, the material of the blinds eventually covering his face.

The second they can't see Jongdae's face anymore, the guy is banging on the door that Chanyeol evidently locked.

"Do we let him in?" Chanyeol questions.

"We have to," Baekhyun sighs, "He'll literally kill me if we don't."

So that's how Jongdae ends up screaming their ears off, explaining how his teacher's sick and he got a spare (for some reason that was the first thing he said) before basically attacking Chanyeol. 

Baekhyun doesn't regret going with Chanyeol, because the scene of Chanyeol uncomfortably blinking as Jongdae hugs him and asks him eight hundred questions is worth much more than he bargained for.

Jongdae obviously doesn't register that it's weird that Chanyeol was with Baekhyun. His instincts just told him that he needed to get to know Chanyeol as much as possible, and in as little time as possible.

He asks so many questions that Baekhyun honestly can't keep track of them all, but that's okay in itself because he knows all the answers anyway. He eats as he listens to Chanyeol's brief answers and Jongdae's detailed questions, hoping that Jongdae doesn't go down a strange path and end up asking about other... private things.

It's funny because Baekhyun can see Chanyeol sulking on the inside, no doubt disappointed that his only time alone with Baekhyun is interrupted by his best friend.

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