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"Oh my god! Isn't that Park Chanyeol?!"

Baekhyun freezes when he hears those words, along with Kris who's walking beside him.

They both turn and they see two people, one of them being Jongdae—who had texted Baekhyun to meet him at Starbucks across the street because of his once again free class—and the other, a figure that Baekhyun recognizes too well.

It takes a moment to think about why Chanyeol's here. Why the giant is frozen in place.

But then it becomes apparent to Baekhyun, who locks eyes with Chanyeol who promptly runs.

Jongdae laughs as he jogs up to them when Chanyeol's gone and the troll starts talking with Kris, telling the taller that he was joking and that Chanyeol wasn't actually there.

But Baekhyun knows better. He could recognize that hair and eyes even from the moderate distance they were standing at. The jacket he was wearing was the same as the one Chanyeol was wearing two days ago.

Maybe this was Jongdae's way of indirectly helping the two of them.

Kris and Jongdae's loud conversation is muddled to Baekhyun, who can only think of Chanyeol at the moment.

Chanyeol, who came to see him.

Chanyeol, who was rejected by him multiple times this past week and was stood up at a park just yesterday, came to see him again.

And Chanyeol saw him with Kris.

For some reason, it gets Baekhyun panicking.

He shouldn't care about Chanyeol's opinion—shouldn't care about anything related to Chanyeol—but thinking about Chanyeol seeing him and Kris and knowing that Chanyeol would think they weren't just friends (which was the truth, in some ways) gets Baekhyun's mind all riddled up with explosions.

He doesn't want Chanyeol to think that he's with Kris, even if there was something brewing between him and the chinese male.

He doesn't want to see Chanyeol running away like that.

This all chalks up to the real reason why Baekhyun keeps thinking about Chanyeol—why he can't seem to forgive someone who used to be his best friend.

He was hurt.

He still is, and it doesn't hurt now because he's hung up over being humiliated... it hurts because he still wants Chanyeol.

Chanyeol still has a place in his heart, somehow.

It's a split-second decision when Baekhyun shoves his books into Jongdae's hands, setting off on a run.

If Chanyeol came to see him again today, that meant that he didn't give up.

Did he not give up yesterday, either? How long did he wait at the park?

All of these questions made Baekhyun dizzy, but he fought the feeling to continue his chase.

Because no matter how hard he tried to resist it, he'd always end up accepting Chanyeol's bullshit.

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