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ho.sebooty 6:00 PM
Guys Chanyeol was actually nice to me today

He gave me food

kuntsoo 6:00 PM
He said sorry to me

eatmybyuns 6:01 PM
what is happening

jongfuckin 6:01 PM
that's my mann

wronghay 6:01 PM
yes jongin, i have taught you well

eatmybyuns 6:01 PM
bitch stop converting my haters into fans

kuntsoo 6:02 PM

jongfuckin 6:02 PM
maybe i've been fan since beginning eatmybyuns 🤷‍♂️

eatmybyuns 6:02 PM
you seriously have to find something else to call me

kuntsoo 6:02 PM
Jongin I'm sorry

6:05 PM

jongfuckin 6:05 PM
no u are not

eatmybyuns 6:05 PM
why isn't this happening in PMs

kuntsoo 6:05 PM
He won't answer me otherwise

jongfuckin 6:05 PM
jongdae told me that i should ignore ppl who disrespect me

eatmybyuns 6:06 PM
what even happened??

jongfuckin 6:06 PM
kyungsoo is lying to me and he says he doesn't like talking to me but now all of a sudden when i get a special edition iron man figurine, he's being all nice to me

kuntsoo 6:06 PM
This has NOTHING to do with your iron man figurine I've said this like 800 times

jongfuckin 6:07 PM
and i've told u that i don't believe you 801 times 👀

kuntsoo 6:07 PM
oh my god

rawmyeon 6:07 PM
Calm down guys. Kyungsoo, if you really want an iron man figurine I can buy you one

kuntsoo 6:07 PM
I don't care about the fucking toy!!!

jongfuckin 6:08 PM
now i'm hurt

kuntsoo 6:08 PM
I care about you Jongin, that's why

I'm saying sorry because I feel bad for ignoring you all the time and I realized how much that sucked when you started ignoring me.

jongfuckin 6:08 PM
wait r-really? a-are you saying the truth kyungsoo?

eatmybyuns 6:09 PM
did you just stutter on texts what the actual fuck

jongfucking 6:09 PM
Kyungsoo!! if you're saying the truth then ily

just as a bro ofc

no homo

kuntsoo 6:09 PM

lay's ™ 6:10 PM
there ain't gonna be homo in THIS christian household.

wronghay 6:10 PM
well i mean it's a little too late lay, i'm afraid i'm 600% gay for chanyeol

what am i even writing hagahshs

idk what a story plan even is... chapter plan? who is she?

that's it lmao double update hope u had a nice day

P-Nut oot.

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