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dumbo 12:23 PM

eatmybyuns 12:23 PM
oh great

you're back

dumbo 12:23 PM
You sound rather disappointed

eatmybyuns 12:23 PM
yes why would i be happy?

dumbo 12:23 PM
I don't know

I mean

You answered my text the second you saw it ;)

eatmybyuns 12:24 PM
that doesn't say anything.

dumbo 12:24 PM
Okay bby

eatmybyuns 12:24 PM
honestly fuck you

dumbo 12:25 PM
I'd rather fuck you

I'm sorry it was just a good comeback I didn't mean it

eatmybyuns 12:25 PM
Aw you didn't mean it?

dumbo 12:25 PM

eatmybyuns 12:25 PM
sike go eat shit bitch

dumbo 12:25 PM
Yup that's what I expected

finally my beautiful chanyeol is back

i have to compliment chanyeol ever a/n because i feel so bad for writing all the insults that baekhyun says in the story agh

but yeah hope u enjoyed and had a lovely day

P-Nut oot.

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