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"You good?" Kris questions and Baekhyun flinches out of his thoughts, registering his surroundings again.

He's on a date with Kris.

They're at a bingsoo store, the sweet taste of the shaved ice serving as the only thing keeping him from drifting away to his thoughts again.

It's only been a good ten minutes since they've gotten here and ordered, but Baekhyun's mind feels lost.

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about the test I had today," he lies easily, trailing his spoon down the mountain of sweetness before popping it into his mouth. "How are your classes?"

"They're good," Kris begins, taking some of Baekhyun's dessert and making the brunet give him a nasty look. "Not sure that Junmyeon—or... Mr. Kim, whatever, really likes me in his class though."

Baekhyun snorts at the mention of the name "Mr. Kim", finding the entire thing tacky. Junmyeon will never be professional even if he tries. 

"And why not? I feel like Junmyeon likes you more than the other students," Baekhyun points out, knowing his friend more than Kris knew.

"Are you serious? He's literally always docking marks on my papers for the stupidest things. I forgot to add an 's' on my essay about Napoleon and he gave me minus two marks!"

Baekhyun laughs at that, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. He misses the look of amazement on Kris' face, going to eat more bingsoo, "I'm sure Junmyeon's just messing with you. Maybe he wants you to be smarter than the rest."

There's a minute of silence where Baekhyun is just enjoying his food, before Kris speaks again.

"You're really attractive," Kris blurts out without a second thought.

Baekhyun pauses and for some reason, his words don't make butterflies run through his stomach or tingles prickle the tips of his fingers. It doesn't even come close to hearing the deep voice on the other side of the line, telling him that his reactions are "endearing" (and the only reason for that complicated word is because of the fact that he doesn't like to be called cute).

There's probably no one else that could make him feel that way.

Nonetheless, Baekhyun smiles, tucking his hair behind his ear.


A while later, Baekhyun checks his phone.

It's been an hour since he finished classes. An hour since the time Chanyeol said he'd be waiting.

Even later, when Kris is escorting him to his car after a stop at a bubble tea store.

Two hours.

Then when Baekhyun's resting after his homework, sitting on his chair in front of the flat screen TV Jongdae and he invested in after years of struggle.

Three hours.

He knows that Chanyeol has stopped waiting for him now.

He wouldn't wait for him for more than three hours.

And then Baekhyun is about to throw the remote control on the other side of the room, because he remembers that time where he told Chanyeol they'd study together at the library at the end of school, and he ended up forgetting, paying more attention to the game of League of Legends with Tao. And what did Chanyeol do? He stayed until he eventually fell asleep, not going home and scaring the crap out of his parents.

Baekhyun remembers hearing the frantic knocks on his house's front door, opening it to the frazzled Park parents.

He remembers feeling the panic and worry; the feeling like his life was ending when he heard that Chanyeol hasn't been home, and that the time was slowly approaching midnight.

The thing that Baekhyun remembers the most is eventually recalling their rendez-vous, sprinting to their community library with leftover tears in his eyes because he thought Chanyeol was gone forever.

And then the relief. The feeling of all of his worries slipping away from him when he spotted the giant idiot with his cheek smushed against the library table's surface, the library lights simply dimmed because of its 24-hour timetable. 

Baekhyun is tempted to go and check the park near their uni—slap Chanyeol in the face like he had when he found the dumbo in the library.

But he doesn't.

He ends up forgetting about the Chanyeol ordeal in total, putting up all the walls in his mind when he remembers how Chanyeol was like to him near the end of their relationship. The loneliness and the betrayal he felt when he saw Chanyeol perform live on stage a year after his debut, being simply another face in the crowd to him.

It's because Baekhyun's simply a bad person who can't get over the past.

It's because of the fact that he refuses to live in the present, that he falls asleep without thinking of Chanyeol.

well, i don't care, even if you're a sweet liAR


well well well... any predictions for the ending of this story? if yes, say them in the comments ;)

srry for never updating i'm such a butt ;-; who cares uh

Bye I hope you had a lovely week and are super happy and amazing

P-Nut oot.

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