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"It's one of the last days of showing for Black Panther," Chanyeol points out and Baekhyun nods, hardly containing his excitement.

"Let's just go, quick! Before the good seats are taken!"

Chanyeol laughs when Baekhyun grabs one of the open sides of his jacket, pulling him along. While Baekhyun bounces on his toes next to him, Chanyeol buys advanced tickets without the shorter's knowledge, taking the tickets shortly after.

They get led to the theatre a few seconds later and Chanyeol hands Baekhyun 3D glasses, bringing both of them to one of the big seats.

"Uh, aren't these for like, rich people or something," Baekhyun says unsurely and Chanyeol turns to him in the dark.

"You forget who you're talking to."

It's only when the movie starts that Baekhyun squeaks, his hands flying to grab the armrests when the chair starts moving.

"What in the shit—"

"Shhh," Chanyeol teases and Baekhyun glares at him the best he can through his glasses.

"I didn't know that these chairs move," Baekhyun states with a hiss, turning back to the screen and feeling the chair tilt to the left along with the airship in the movie.

Chanyeol doesn't say anything and simply gives Baekhyun the big bag of popcorn he bought during the commercials, watching in amusement as Baekhyun accepts it without a fuss.

"I hope this doesn't shoot me to the front or something," Baekhyun mumbles as he shoves popcorn in his mouth. He's talking relatively loud because it's only them and another couple in the front, seemingly making out without a shame. If they can show PDA, he'll talk as fucking loudly as he wants.

"It won't," Chanyeol reassures, and Baekhyun merely scoffs.

"I can't believe he was fucking defeated how in the hell—" while Baekhyun's talking to himself, he turns over to look at Chanyeol only to find him—he thinks—asleep. His head is tilted back and his mouth is slightly parted, so Baekhyun can only assume he's asleep. If not, maybe Chanyeol's just really shocked, because his 3D glasses are blocking his eyes from being seen.

When Baekhyun finally decides that Chanyeol's sleeping, he shakes his head.

It baffles the brunet because the chair has been moving at random scenes in the movie, and they're watching Black Panther, out of all movies. How could Chanyeol fall asleep?

He keeps his chuckle to himself and finds that he can't wake Chanyeol up, not when the taller looks like he's having the best nap in the world.  It makes Baekhyun wonder if Chanyeol's been getting good sleep lately with how easily he fell into slumber.

Baekhyun knows that these days have been filled with especially good sleep for himself—because, well, how could he not have good sleep? His finals finished at the end of February and the person he's been secretly longing for returned out of the blue. His friendships are all in tact and there's really no problems he can think of, other than typical dilemmas of not having his favourite cereal in the morning (courtesy of Jongdae, always snacking on it in the room).

His eyes stay glued to Chanyeol much longer than necessary, and for the first time, he wonders how hard Chanyeol's life has been.

Baekhyun's family has always been the richest out of the two of them, so the money for his education was guaranteed and he didn't need to stress about anything financial. He was smart naturally so passing his exams was easy, and getting friends was even easier. University has not been a bad experience to him—not worse than anyone else's normal experience studying, at least—and the only thing he ever really sulked about was the person sitting next to him, snoozing because of what was probably a lack of sleep.

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